95 results found
Stacked area (spline etc) in irregular datetime series
When you create more datetime irregular series, by now only the same datetime values are used to create the stack, resulting in a correct-but-ugly graph.
327 votesWe have done improvements in this behaviour in Highcharts 3.0. See http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/QuteB/. Would you consider this case solved?
Adapt chart height to legend height
Auto sized (height) "renderTo" container on bottom aligned legendgroup with fixed chart height + option for legend items with the same (max) width for better readability
298 votesThere’s a plugin for this, please see http://www.highcharts.com/plugin-registry/single/8/Adapt-Chart-To-Legend
272 votes
Here’s a small plugin that creates CSV out of a categorized chart. Included in the demo is a menu item in the Export menu that passes the CSV to a PHP script and returns a file to be viewed in Excel. Charts inside Excel are not supported in this demo.
Replace rectangle zoom with mouse panning and zooming
Panning and Zooming like in Google Maps is way nicer to use than the current implementation of rectangle zoom. Would be great to have such feature :)
184 votesBy adding the Highmaps as a module in HIghcharts, we can get working mousewheel scrolling in Highcharts: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/6etwu5b4/
data module for database tables
data module was a great addition. have been using that pretty much everytime i can covert my data to csv.
but having database module to load data from one table would be just awesome.
116 votesMaking backends for data bases is complex, as it covers a wide range of different databases and languages. A project like this would have to start with only a few of the most popular backends. We are currently considering a “connectivity” project that will do some of this.
Allow clickable tooltips
It would be good if you could hover a point on the graph and then click on the tooltip that appears so that you could redirect the user to a relevant page (e.g. a news article).
114 votesIf we added an option to pin the tooltip on click, we could easily add links inside it.
Summary Tables
Add support for adding simple data tables inside or outside of a chart. This would be similar to a legend, but contains custom data sets. Currently we use the Highcharts Renderer to render a background rectangle based on the matching chart options and draw the table the same way the legend is drawn outside of the table. It would be nice if there was the option for that datatable to exist under the chart/overlayed on the chart or completely separate from the chart.
53 votes2019-03-04
Added a study for integration with Handsontable, a third party grid component: https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/studies/summary-table-handsontable/2017-09-11
The data table is now a feature of the data-export module. See http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/VEs7z/3/. Notice how it updates as the chart is updated (for example by showing/hiding series).
2014Here’s a proof of concept of how you can draw a table programmatically: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/VEs7z/
Tooltip data interpolation
If I've got a sparse dataset (e.g. to save space, duplicate data points are omitted), a line graph still represents the data accurately, however the tooltip only appears over the actual data points.
Would it be possible for the tooltip to interpolate the data at the mouse pointer's position so as to show a value whether there's an actual data point there or not?
48 votesHere’s a little hack to display an invisible, interpolated series above the data series: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/F4e2Y/
See alto the associated GitHub issue: https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/issues/647
Show value in legend
Today one big problem is that when we have a Stock chart with around 5 series & data for about 3 years, the tooltip hides important data.
It'd be great to have an option to show the values aside the legend items instead of the tooltip like http://www.amcharts.com/stock/multiple-datasets/. That way we can make sure that the values are shown & nothing in the chart area is hidden from the viewer.45 votesIn the Highstock you can position the tooltip absolutely, which provides a similar effect: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/j7BSy/
// Updated 2013-07-22
To use a true legend, a plugin is needed. See http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/DVvdZ/ -
Add a 'startOnMin' option to the axis properties
See: http://highslide.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=7904
and:http://highslide.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=10642Add an option so that the precise start point of the grid lines/ axis labels can be specified
44 votes -
Trellis Charts like http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/trellis-plot-alternative-to-stacked-bar-chart/
Trellis Charts like http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/trellis-plot-alternative-to-stacked-bar-chart/
44 votesYou can create Trellis charts in Highcharts by adding multiple charts side-by-side or underneath each other, for example inside a table or floating divs. See http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/VqruM/.
Create some form of tree / node linking chart
Highcharts doesn't currently appear to have any tree / node linking chart types. A few examples would be:
- Dendograms: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrogram
- Hierarchical clustering: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_clustering
- Minimum Spanning Tree: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_spanning_tree
The above chart types vary in their purpose and how they are constructed. But this request is simply to have some form of tree / node linking chart capabilities in highcharts.
Once it becomes possible to chart a basic tree or hierarchy structure, it may be easier to extend functionality to create further chart types along the same thinking.
Plot.ly currently offers both dendrogram's and tree plots within their python API. But of…
38 votesThanks for writing! We have support for treemaps in Highcharts 4, and we’re considering adding the related hyperbolic tree maps after the release of HC5.
Post Charts to Facebook
It would be great to be able to post preview images of charts to Facebook, so that when a user shares a chart on Facebook, it shows an image instead of just a link.
36 votesPosting a chart to Facebook would mean that we ad a backend to store the chart and to communicate with Facebook. Highcharts JS is a client side charting library, so this goes beyond its reach. It is up to the implementer to provide a backend for it.
Highcharts Cloud, however, has this capability. See http://cloud.highcharts.com.
Title and Chartnames To Be Selectable with mouse .Would You Please Add this opprtunity?
I can't select the title and the chart categories . In some situations I need to select and copy those strings . Would You Please Add this opportunity ASAP?
34 votesHi, this feature is prevented in two places, because there were problems with text being selected when trying to zoom in. See https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/issues/3224.
If you want to enable text selection, there are two lines where the event handling is prevented. If you comment out both these lines, your users can select text:
- https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/blob/v5.0.14/js/parts/Pointer.js#L756
- https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/blob/v5.0.14/js/parts/Pointer.js#L813 -
Add Custom Buttons
Include options to set up custom buttons with call-backs to perform certain functionality.
For example, I would love to be able to have a button next to the current print and export buttons that would be used for help/information about the chart.
31 votesHere’s how you do that: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/2F4pJ/.
It has always been around, but perhaps we need to document this more clearly.
Gantt + Boost
Gantt chart is really cool but performance limits you to maybe 10-20 rows. We need to support over 1000, with interaction. Animation is not important. Currently the boost module doesn't work with gantt, but if it did it would be truly awesome.
28 votesThanks for writing! The Boost module deals with the data points, in this case it would rendering the rectangles for the tasks.
I don’t think enabling Boost for Gantt would make a very big difference. Rendering 1000 rectangles in SVG should’t be a problem in the first place. I suspect the performance bottleneck is something else, like the grid axis or something.
Can you share a demo of your problematic chart, where we can do some profiling?
Add Print and Export events handler
It'd be useful to have access to some more events, specifically I was thinking about 4 new events which could be captured and managed by dedicated handlers: onStartPrint, onFinishPrint, onStartExport and onFinishExport
The first two are related to the act of printing the chart via the print button, the other two are related to chart exporting.
28 votesHere’s a proposal for startPrint and endPrint event: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/k1o2w9ba/
x zoom for multiseries data
I have four series of data, and each series only has one data point. I would like to render these data with x-dimension zoom ability as good as 4 data points in one series. If this is a duplicate topic, I am really sorry, because I could not find a similar one.
Here is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/yMSCZ/8/
I was trying to approach it by adding dummy x value to each data point from each series: http://jsfiddle.net/yMSCZ/9/ But it did not work out.
I understand in the first fiddle, HC will treat all the four points with the same x index,…
24 votesRegarding the OP, the recommended setup would be to use categories like this: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/yMSCZ/19/
Data labels with collision avoidance and connectors for scatter and bubble charts
Scatter and bubble charts do not seem to support collision avoidance for data labels. Along with collision avoidance, connectors that link the points to the data labels would be very helpful.
Thank you for the great library.
24 votesAs you can see from http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/2cu52v0e/, there is currently collision avoidance.
It hides colliding data labels, but it doesn’t move them, and subsequently doesn’t add connectors.
Restore "target" option in the "credits" configuration
It would be most useful to restore the "target" option in the "credits" configuration so that when the user clicks on the credit text (usually in the lower right angle of the graph), the link can be opened in a new page instead of the current one.
22 votesHere’s a small plugin that you can use that alters the click handler to simulate a HTML anchor click including a target: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/ud795/
- Don't see your idea?