Show value in legend
Today one big problem is that when we have a Stock chart with around 5 series & data for about 3 years, the tooltip hides important data.
It'd be great to have an option to show the values aside the legend items instead of the tooltip like That way we can make sure that the values are shown & nothing in the chart area is hidden from the viewer.

In the Highstock you can position the tooltip absolutely, which provides a similar effect:
// Updated 2013-07-22
To use a true legend, a plugin is needed. See
I did a small modification today, so now it also works when tooltip.shared is false:
Anonymous commented
hi, it is possible to use it on Highchart (not on StockChart). please can you share the code.
sorry for my bad english . -
@Sujay I've updated the plugin now so it uses a smarter way to just replace the text, then reflow the legend.
Sujay Krishna Suresh commented
@Torstein this seems to be creating numeric g elements of class "highcharts-legend-item" and the DOM count shoots within seconds on interacting with the chart. I'm not sure if the destroy method actually remove the element from the DOM. Something to check maybe.
Sujay Krishna Suresh commented
@Torstein Thanks. I'll check the plugin.
@Eric, see my provided plugin in the status. I hope this helps. It can be extended to OHLC types. Regarding different colors for negative columns, see
Eric Lanteigne commented
Has this been fixed? As Sujay mentioned, the workaround is not a viable solution as it prevents toggling the visibility of charts. Also is there a way to have bar charts with a color for positive values and another color for negative values?
Sujay Krishna Suresh commented
@Torstein Hønsi I'm currently using the workaround you can find @
There are known issues in such workarounds. The main issue being they are not actual legendItems, so we lose all the functionality of a legendItem, including
*click to toggle series visibility*,
*handling events on legendItem.element* & more.Hence, it'd be great if we had an option to append tooltip values to the corresponding legendItems.