402 results found
Allow automatic scrollbar for responsive charts
There should be a feature where scroll appears or disappears when the div containing chart is resized. When the chart is big enough to fit into available space, the scrollbar should be hidden and when the chart container is resized (reflow called internally), the scrollbar should appear automatically to show the data points instead of making these data points smaller.
9 votesImplemented in Highcharts v6.1, see https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/chart.scrollablePlotArea
Change export icon
The export icon is 3 horizontal lines (looks like hamburger menu). It is not the correct paradigm and it does not imply export or download. Please change it or allow using a different icon.
3 votes -
Allow panning on y axis
If you are making a scatter chart it makes sense to let people zoom in if there is alot of points. Sadly highcharts does not allow panning in the y axis meaning they cannot inspect the data properly!
11 votes -
14 votes
To add a study/indicator called 'super trend'
Now days 'super trend' is special requirement for all traders.
This step from Highcharts will be appreciated.
Indicators were implemented by highchart team in below suggestion ::
75 votesSupertrand is available in Highstock since version 7.0.0
Add ability to configure sort on TreeMap
TreeMaps are currently hard coded to sort on the value in insertElementSorted. We would like ability to turn this off so items stay in the order they are in. Being able to configure a different field to sort on would be useful too. How about a property like sorting with options false for none, default to "value", and any other string is a property.
3 votesIndeed! Closing this.
Add a click event for tooltip text
I am using highcharts ( Line ) in my php application. I want to use onclick event handler inside the tooltip to open the modal dialog. But i don't find any solution for that, even in highcharts there is no click event available for tooltip item. I also used formatter option inside tooltip but it doesn't worked. Please help me in this issue
I am trying this
tooltip: {
useHtml: true,
formatter: function () {
var s = '<b>' + this.x + '</b>';
$.each(this.points, function (i, point) {
s += '<br/><span style="color:' + point.series.color + '">\u25CF</span>\n\ <span onclick="my_function();">Click Me</span> '…1 voteYou had useHTML misspelled as useHtml.
Publish the map collection data as an React/NPM package
The maps provided at http://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/ are useful, but in modern web apps most dependencies are managed with a package system, and for JavaScript projects mostly commonly that is NPM. So this suggestion is to publish the map data in an NPM package, similar to the way there's a React wrapper project.
Noted at https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts-react/issues/55 currently the only way to bring this data into a React project is to do it manually.
4 votesThe current version v1.1.2 of our map collection has now been published to npm under the name @highcharts/map-collection.
For more information about the package please see https://www.npmjs.com/package/@highcharts/map-collection
Display noData error message on separate lines.
I was able to add noData message on my graph, My error message is long so it should display on separate lines, not in single line.
Is there any way to enter <br> or newline character, so long noData
message will be displayed on separate lines.1 voteThis is possible just as you have described it: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/f3krz4d1/
For technical support please see:
https://www.highcharts.com/blog/support/ -
Can you please provide Library (Wrappe) for React-Native ?
Hello Team,
Any plan to support react-native client for high charts? because react-native is booming in market now. if you have any plan, please let us know as we are looking for the react-native client for charts. There is one node wrapper available for highcharts but not community is too low.
so let me update your suggestion for the same, else we need find some another solution.4 votesThe official Highcharts wrapper for React Native is available here: https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts-react-native
I want to do point marker can be drag & drop.
My Requirement is that points marker can be drag & drop with custom icon. and tooltip will display when drag option will perform on marker.
1 voteThanks for writing! See https://github.com/highcharts/draggable-points for the draggable points plugin.
Butterfly graph responsive
Hi Team,
Is it possible to develop butterfly graph like this ? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41584716/butterfly-chart-using-highchartsThx :)
6 votesA multiple axis layout will make this work: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/0xked93c/1/
Document the order dependency of heatmap.js and treemap.js
The documentation and examples do not mention that there is an order dependency for these to work right. Please add this so that people know it won't work otherwise.
1 voteThanks for reporting! We consider this a bug, so we have fixed it. As of next release, the order no longer matters.
- Commit: https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/commit/b557e6b1bbe40c7efefde9003f6409bdfef457ae
- Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/37wLzh4t/7/ -
Support TopoJson
Support topoJson format in HighMaps. This format is about 80% smaller than geoJson
34 votes -
Centering label in Highcharts General Drawing
Can this be achieved by using the Renderer framework, by adding a line of code in .attr ? I've created a flowchart, similar to the one found here: https://www.highcharts.com/demo/renderer. The label text is left-aligned by default but I wish for it to be center-aligned by default, using the Renderer framework, e.g.,
ren.label('Test is a label', 660, 680)
fill: 'black',
stroke: 'black',
'stroke-width': 2,
padding: 5,
r: 0
color: 'white',
width: '100px'
.shadow(true);1 voteThe align: center attribute does the job: http://jsfiddle.net/3ma5f1Lq/2/
Control axis visibility: show/hide (toggle) axes
I'm aware that a similar idea has been completed (http://highcharts.uservoice.com/forums/55896-general/suggestions/1813731-hiding-of-y-axis), but what I'm asking for is different:
There are a LOT of users asking for how to hide an axis completely:
etc.Can we just have a property called "visible" on the Axis object that would show/hide the axis?
148 votesThanks for your patience, this feature is now implemented in the dev branch and will be part of the next maintenance release. See http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/3sembmfo/ for a live demo.
Add vectors based on wind direction and wind speed in HeatMaps
1. I'm going to display three data of temperature, wind direction and wind speed in each cell.
2. Temperature color is limited to 4 types in total.
2. The direction of the arrow is limited to 16 kinds in total. (0, 22.5, 45, ... 337.5)
3. Arrow lengths are limited to 10 types in total. (9%, 18%, 27%, ... 90% of diagonal)Can it be?
If you email to me(ycpark@cetech.kr), I send you some examples about the suggestion.Brokey Park.
15 votesDrawing a wind barb series on a cartesian plane is possible using the x and y options: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/z4m1nrab/
1 vote
click on one data points the other data points should disable
For example In a bar chart when i click on one data point the other data points should disable
1 voteYou can link charts using for example select events (or click events) and the dynamic API: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/0nkmc6mo/
Support percentage font sizing
Per discussion in https://forum.highcharts.com/post136670.html#p136670, it would be helpful if percentage font sizing was supported. It is good that dynamic sizing with the W3C-recommended "em" sizing is now supported. However, percentage sizing is also very common and may make even more sense conceptually for proportional sizing in dynamically sized charts. Internal support could either be direct percentage support or automatic conversion to currently supported em sizing.
1 voteHighcharts in Styled mode seems to work well with percentage font sizes: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/0pc7rvut/
- Don't see your idea?