Allow automatic scrollbar for responsive charts
There should be a feature where scroll appears or disappears when the div containing chart is resized. When the chart is big enough to fit into available space, the scrollbar should be hidden and when the chart container is resized (reflow called internally), the scrollbar should appear automatically to show the data points instead of making these data points smaller.

Implemented in Highcharts v6.1, see
Sreya commented
The responsive feature of the entire graph is lost on adding this option.
Amruta Jagtap commented
I tried accessing the JS Fiddle:
But its not loading. -
We have a study for a feature that we are considering for the next release:
It allows you to set a minimum width for the plot area, so that on a mobile screen, the plot area will scroll while the vertical axes are fixed. It uses native browser scrolling and is much smoother than the xAxis.scrollbar implementation. What do you think?