To add a study/indicator called 'super trend'
Now days 'super trend' is special requirement for all traders.
This step from Highcharts will be appreciated.
Indicators were implemented by highchart team in below suggestion ::

Supertrand is available in Highstock since version 7.0.0
Rd commented
Thank you so much Kacper,
Could you please let me know what is that estimated date of release for Highstock version 7?Thanks.
Rd -
AdminKacper Madej (Admin, Highcharts JS) commented
Thank you for submitting the idea.
Supertrend is not implemented at this moment, so you could add it using general documentation:
~At this very moment we are not planning this indicator for Highstock version 7.~
EDIT: This indicator is now a part of planned Highstock version 7 release.
[Deleted User] commented
Moving aevarage , ********** ,etc are really useful if users can set parameters as they want.. like period, coefficient ...etc
Anonymous commented
It is mostly used in indian stock exchange
Kaushal commented
I would like to use it if highchart provide it.
It is a useful tool in stockmarket -
Brijrajsinh commented
This is very helpful indicator, please blacklabel implement it, It would be very grateful to you
Rd commented
This is ATR based indicator and it'll be very easy for blacklabel to implement this for highstox users
Rd commented
Any updates on this please?
Buy sell signals Supertrend generating are very useful.Almost all charting libraries provide this indicator with text box option to allow change in period and multiplier.
Thanks in advance.