Hiding of Y-Axis
When hiding an Y-Axis (for example when using multiple Y-Axis), I'd suggest to remove the Y-Axis title as well. Yet only the axis disappears.

We added the new axis.showEmpty option. When you set this to false, empty axes are completely hidden: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/gdDbt/. This will be officially released in Highcharts 2.2.
Dan Dascalescu commented
Has this actually been completed? By hiding the axis I understand programmatic control over whether an axis is visible or not.
I've posted a separate request at http://highcharts.uservoice.com/forums/55896-general/suggestions/5164818-control-axis-visibility-show-hide-toggle-axes
Stephan commented
Hiding works fine in 2.2 and 2.2.1
Atys commented
Yes, ive realized that is not a good idea to hide the legend items if all series are hidden because you can't revert it. But, what i was needed is the ability to turn axes completely on/off with its legend items together. Mainly yAxes. I've already make the patch, however it would be nice to have it in the official version too.
Thank you for your reply.
Not sure what you mean by getting the legend items faded out... Currently the legend item of the invisible series is faded out with a gray color.
Atys commented
And whats about legend items? Can we get them faded out too?
Version number 2.1.9 says nothing because it will be developed under the same version number until the next major version comes...
Pavel Paulau commented
Well, it seems that there is a bug if dataLabels are enabled. Everything is ok in 2.1.9.
JakeAlaba commented
Mehmet Aydemir commented
sdffdwq@3rtrew.com commented
+++ - This is very good sugestion!
Anonymous commented
Gerrit Balsam commented
At least, there should be a flag on the Y-Axis like 'hide title when hiding axis' or something like this (default: false - for one y-Axis hiding makes no sense).
highcharter commented
good suggestion!
This is annoying me for some time now! -
Stephan commented
++from me!
Micha Meyer commented
This is the case when dynamically disabling data - the data disappears, but the Y-axis title still stays there.
Looks a little bit strange.