1077 results found
reflow callback
Add a callback to the reflow function, since it uses a timeout you can't execute your own code right after reflow is finished.
4 votes -
Allow customizing cursor style on plotbands and plotlines
Have events on plotbands and plotlines, hope to customize cursor style to provide user hints.
7 votes -
Can we have series border options like left border only, right border only etc.
Current series border gives border to bar or column from all sides. Is there any way we can have have conditional border like Left border only or right border only. Like we have in css...where we can assign border-left: 0, border-right:1 etc.
5 votes -
mouseOut and mouseOver should work on all series
Currently mouseOut and mouseOver events are triggered only for the highest (in layers) series when multiple series are drawn on the same chart. They should be triggered for any. (The reason is because probably tracker captures all mouseOut and mouseOver events for highest layer.)
1 vote -
Lines inside of a donut pie chart
Show the lines between value and chart also if value is displayed inside of a donut pie chart, example here: http://forum.highcharts.com/highcharts-usage/lines-inside-of-a-donut-pie-chart-t28557/
3 votes -
1 vote
Data labels where there is no spacein columns
Take a look at http://jsfiddle.net/59LQV/2/ on serie Bananas where second data label "1(1)" overflows it's area in chart. In that case, I would like that data label would be outside chart with arrow pointing at this area.
7 votes -
Turn off column in column bar chart
It would be really useful if we can turn off (remove from display like when we click an item on legend) each column element in column bar chart.
This could be useful in many cases. Consider a graph with a column of very large numbers and very small numbers (example http://jsfiddle.net/uqA6w/1/). Turning off the column with large numbers (Jan in example) will improve the resolution of other columns a lot. You can zoom, but this is not convenient as you may have to zoom. multiple times. There are even cases where you want to draw a graph with many…
3 votes -
Ability to add grouping items to xaxis
I have looked through 3.0 highcharts but not found any information for this.
Addition of a grouping field for xaxis data with drilldown capabilities.
If you have two series of data for employees (Days Holidays, Days worked) and you have 100 employees plotted in a column setup.
You then have a group field for each employee which is their manager name. This would appear once on the chart below the employees names grouped together. The managers name would be clickable to drilldown into that manager only graph with a button appearing to return back to full view.3 votes -
Linear gauge
Would love to have linear gauges like this:
19 votesYou can create linear gauges from columns or scatter charts with one single data value: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/9ybLv5je/.
Other examples:
- Filler gauge: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/amfbptkw/
- Marker gauge: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/7mcq4az6/
- Thermometer gauge: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/Y7F3F/
add "after tooltip show" event
I want to do something after the tooltip shows.
And I found the "point hover" eventBut when I use the "crosshair" option, it doesn't need to hover the points to trigger the tooltip, anywhere of the chart triggers the tooltip
So now I can only do something when user's mouse hovers the points
I want to do it when the tooltip shows,
So i think it's better to add a "after tooltip show" event in options.
2 votesYou can use the internal chart.tooltipRefresh event: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/Ym4UA/
fix a problem of not drawing lines in highstock when values are identical from min to max
in highstock, when data values are identical, the line will not be displayed.
1 vote -
Double datalabels for pie
You can see for safari and IE the labels outside of the pie with an arrow and the value inside of the pie.
6 votes -
Provide a way to integrate Google Maps as a background
I really like how highstock provides a way to move through time and visualize data by selecting and panning. I would like to reuse this functionality on a map. Sadly, the SVG rendered map provided in other suggestions is not good enough for my case as I would like to reuse some of layers and other APIs Google Maps provide, but allow user to move and select through time and then display data a bit like as a scatterplot (only with positions) on top of Google Maps.
1 vote -
Have Highstock series data be displayed as background color
I have multiple time series data which I would like to visualize together. One of this time series is state the device was in (up, down, booting, etc.) and I think the best way would be to simply map this state to a background color of a plot. So this should cover all the background and be zoomable and everything. It should be displayed in viewfinder/navigator.
7 votesYou can currently implement this as plot bands on the X axis.
Dotted line between points with null breaks in between
A feature that adds a dotted line instead of a solid line
between two points when connectNulls = trueEx.
x - y
1 - 2
2 - 3
3 - NULL
4 - NULL
5 - 3Would be a solid line except between 2 and 5 where it could be dashed
11 votes -
Add a R/Y/G slider scale with milestone markers
This would be a linear bar scale, with Red Yellow Green coloring.
As milestones are achieved the would be marked on the top of the bar with an triangular marker.This is useful in presenting financial data. For example the bar would represent revenue the milestone markers could represent Q1 Q2, YTD, etc..
1 vote -
hide all of the legend
hi, i was trying to hide the legend for a pie chart with a button using this example http://jsfiddle.net/sbochan/3Bh7b/1/ but i have a lot of items in my chart and i have to use the "navigation" option to display my legend items... but using that example, the arrows and the "legend page" number doesn't disappear...
3 votes -
save image is my server
I want to save image to my server. I have done intro http://www.highcharts.com/docs/export-module/export-module-overview. When i used da svg(xml), system saved. but i used data json ,i can't save. error: org.apache.batik.transcoder.TranscoderException: null Enclosed Exception: Content is not allowed in prolog. at org.apache.batik.transcoder.XM......
how can you help me. (i used php)1 vote -
followPointer - tooltip should hide when it gets far away from the original data point
followPointer is a cool feature on a bubble chart, but it needs to close the tooltip when the pointer moves a fair distance away from the bubble, perhaps when it's something like half maxSize away. At the moment you can push the tooltip from one side of the chart to the other so the tooltip is out of context, which feels buggy.
For a demonstration, please see
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgLNeDWeNTw
source: http://jsfiddle.net/franzo/WS6hY/4 votes
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