add "after tooltip show" event
I want to do something after the tooltip shows.
And I found the "point hover" event
But when I use the "crosshair" option, it doesn't need to hover the points to trigger the tooltip, anywhere of the chart triggers the tooltip
So now I can only do something when user's mouse hovers the points
I want to do it when the tooltip shows,
So i think it's better to add a "after tooltip show" event in options.

You can use the internal chart.tooltipRefresh event:
Eugene Gluhotorenko commented
Here is my plugin that adds show and hide events into tooltip:
Sanjeev commented
I am trying to add custom scrollbars in Highchart tooltip.
After i create my highchart I initialize the scrollbar API on 'highcharts-tooltip' div.
But everytime user hovers on different pie slice the content gets changed and i need to update scrollbars.
I am also looking for "after tooltip show" event or a callback function that is called after tooltip gets shown. -
zhangciwu commented
here is a small sample: is a sample of sync tooltips of multi charts
when I hover on one point, it works fine
when I hover on other place of chart, it just doesn't work because now I can use "point hover" event only.So i think it's better to add a "after tooltip show" event in options.