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Highcharts Javascript API

Highcharts Javascript API



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  1. Currently formatters can only return strings that then get wrapped in a svg text element.

    It would be great if formatters could optionally return svg source themselves (or even have access to the svg renderer) so that it would be possible / easier to implement custom modifications to the way data labels and legend items are rendered.

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  2. If define global.lineargradient, then switch lineargradient on. Also I hope highcharts has it own set of default colorscheme for gradient which I don't need to worry about.

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  3. 43 votes

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  4. hi
    i see one bug with arabic or other right to left languages.this bug in tooltip that has a new break line (<br /> tag). my code same this:
    var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
    chart: {
    renderTo: 'container' , defaultSeriesType: 'bar'

    credits: {
        enabled: false
    legend: { enabled: true },
    plotOptions: { column: { pointPadding: 0.2, borderWidth: 0 } }, 
    title: {"text":"سعید محمدهاشم"},                          
    subtitle: {"text":"سعید تست میکند"},
    xAxis: {"title":null,"align":null,"categories":["سعید","حمید","امیر","مهدی","حسین"]},                            yAxis: {"title":{"text":"سعید"},"align":null,"categories":null},                            tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>' +'</b><br />'+ this.x +':'+ this.y; } },                                                        series: [{"name":"حقوق","data":[4,15,5,17,14],"color":null},{"name":"مزایا","data":[4,25,6,12,6],"color":null},{"name":"مرخصی","data":[7,19,2,34,5],"color":null},{"name":"پاداش","data":[3,14,6,21,9],"color":null}]                        });      
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  5. Add drop-down box to select (up to 10) data records from external csv-file for charting.

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  6. When updating all series on chart it would be nice to have option to reset colorCounter - rather than having to define colours when adding in the new series
    chart.resetColorCounter = resetColorCounter;
    function resetColorCounter(){colorCounter=0;}

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  7. options to make labels of two yAxis aligned

    refer to:

    just like:
    yAxis: [{
    title: {
    text: 'yAxis one'
    opposite: false,
    to:1, //bind chart.yAxis[0] to chart.yAxis[1]
    values:[100,0] //two values from chart.yAxis[0] and chart.yAxis[1]
    title: {
    text: 'yAxis two'
    opposite: true

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  8. 8 votes

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  9. Wen hide series and export the series hidden not have exported , and a file in java servlet for export, another option to .php

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  10. This would be a fantastic feature - the ability to select multiple data points by creating an enclosure using the mouse. e.g.Outliers could be selected in one movement and used filter other data in the app.
    See Stephen Few's Newsletter for more information -

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  11. Every Series with a sum of its values less than a defined threshold will be put automatically in a Series call "Others".

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  12. When you right click on the chart you can select to view the same data in a different chart type like change from bar to pie

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  13. It could be a great idea to develop a module to display some graphics based on data from an other server using webservices. We have a server from wich we can import data using web services and we need some charts to display the data.

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  14. It would be really great to be able to export multiple charts to a single image

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  15. 10 votes

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  16. There is the ability to print a chart and to create a pdf of it, would be great to have email option to email a pdf of chart to someone

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  17. 6 votes

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  18. Watermarks (custom images) with support for alignment from right and bottom (important for 100% width charts with unknown width).

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  19. When I used the Export to jpg,png...
    I found the chinese word, can't display on the image..
    Could you support to print the chinese word?

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  20. to analyse product sales (dogs/stars) etc.

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