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Highcharts Javascript API

Highcharts Javascript API



402 results found

  1. Hi All,

    I am trying to add custom markers in HighStock charts. I found that it is possible in highcharts only. Can someone help me to resolve it issue?

    I want to below example in HighStock where i can define my own markers:

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  2. I am looking for multi axis charts in 3D view(like I have to display floor occupency with No. of logins, hour, week day(MON-FRI) all 3 axis). If we have attachment option here it would be great help, so that we can provide some image here how it looks. Thanks for your help in advance!

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  3. to add Directional Movement Indicator for High Stock API

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  4. can you please implement to add datalabels in PlotBands.

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  5. Basically this, right now the diagram only flows from left to right; please have an option for it to start at the top and flow down vertically

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  6. It would be nice if the charts support having a guide line that follows the mouse cursor, similiar to Campaign Monitor. Also the ability to make it dashed would be great. Currently I could plot a line manually but it does not work currently with alternating row colors.

    Something like:
    HoverGuide: 1 >>> etc.

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  7. jsfiddle is brilliant and I'm glad you linked each of the API references to it. Can you link each of the demo examples so they can be loaded directly into jsfiddle?

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  8. For example if I use the "step" attribute to only show labels for the first day of each week, the chart still draws x-axis gridlines for each datapoint instead of where the labels occur. It would be nice to have separate step property specifically for the x-axis gridlines. This is useful if you want to break up the data into weeks or months and allow the gridlines to serve as indicators of where these blocks occur (i.e. a grid line only at the start of the week or month, etc.).

    xAxisGridLineStep = 7

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  9. In Highstock, when you press one of the Zoom buttons, the button visually enters an "on" state. If you then view a different part of the graph, either by dragging the graph or using the navigation scroll bar, the button turns "off". Why? The time window is still exactly the same, so the button should stay "on". The button should stay "on" until the size of the window changes.

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  10. Does any know if I can have a gradient on the Bar chart. Also can I have rounded corners at the top and not the bottom?

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  11. Bug when set subtitle to empty string.
    if you check this example and click set subtitle button 10 times and error occured

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  12. add plot bands on the scrollbar chart. Perhaps also PlotLine

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  13. It would be nice to have an option to disable tooltip animation. On IE8 and less (we are still required to support these browsers!), the javascript engine is so slow that the tooltips don't animation nicely anyway. Also, there are bugs that can cause IE render problems when the tooltips animate. See for more information.

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  14. I have a datetime x-axis. Right now, my graph is automatically turning it into a weekly view, but it only shows the dates on the x-axis every 7 days. It would be great if I could force it to 'day' instead of 'week' view so that I can see every date on the axis, or change it so that every day of the week shows up.

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  15. When you have a lot of charts running and calling web services if you export one it will kill those web service calls. If you allow the user to set a target on the form then the export can post for example to a hidden iframe.

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  16. i have time series based on persian dates, which is behind 1970 (now, we are 1392).
    setting xAxis.type= 'datetime' collapse all data as it except datetimes > 1970. tweaking xAxis.labels.format will not help because the provided {value} is collapsed before

    what can i do?
    what is the best practice to having international (and non gregorian) dates inside highcharts?

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  17. pymamid link

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  19. I'm trying to get the callout portion of a tooltip for a bubble chart to touch the outside perimeter of the bubble (needed because of overlapping bubbles and how the tooltips behave). I tried using the tooltip positioner but there is no information about the point (bubble) radius, so I have no idea how far to position the tooltip.

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  20. I would like to be able to configure a non-shared tooltip so that the tooltip only appears to the left or right of the point. I was able to modify the highcharts code for a custom positioner, by forcing it to swap() at the end of the routine.

    tooltipPositioner = function (labelWidth, labelHeight, point) {
    var chart = this.chart,
    distance = this.distance,
    ret = {},
    first = ['y', chart.chartHeight, labelHeight, point.plotY + chart.plotTop],
    second = ['x', chart.chartWidth, labelWidth, point.plotX + chart.plotLeft],
    // The far side is right or bottom
    preferFarSide = point.ttBelow || (chart.inverted && !point.negative) || (!chart.inverted…

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