Add config setting so as to force tooltip left or right of point
I would like to be able to configure a non-shared tooltip so that the tooltip only appears to the left or right of the point. I was able to modify the highcharts code for a custom positioner, by forcing it to swap() at the end of the routine.
tooltipPositioner = function (labelWidth, labelHeight, point) {
var chart = this.chart,
distance = this.distance,
ret = {},
first = ['y', chart.chartHeight, labelHeight, point.plotY + chart.plotTop],
second = ['x', chart.chartWidth, labelWidth, point.plotX + chart.plotLeft],
// The far side is right or bottom
preferFarSide = point.ttBelow || (chart.inverted && !point.negative) || (!chart.inverted && point.negative),
* Handle the preferred dimension. When the preferred dimension is tooltip
* on top or bottom of the point, it will look for space there.
firstDimension = function (dim, outerSize, innerSize, point) {
var roomLeft = innerSize < point - distance,
roomRight = point + distance + innerSize < outerSize,
alignedLeft = point - distance - innerSize,
alignedRight = point + distance;
if (preferFarSide && roomRight) {
ret[dim] = alignedRight;
} else if (!preferFarSide && roomLeft) {
ret[dim] = alignedLeft;
} else if (roomLeft) {
ret[dim] = alignedLeft;
} else if (roomRight) {
ret[dim] = alignedRight;
} else {
return false;
* Handle the secondary dimension. If the preferred dimension is tooltip
* on top or bottom of the point, the second dimension is to align the tooltip
* above the point, trying to align center but allowing left or right
* align within the chart box.
secondDimension = function (dim, outerSize, innerSize, point) {
// Too close to the edge, return false and swap dimensions
if (point < distance || point > outerSize - distance) {
return false;
// Align left/top
} else if (point < innerSize / 2) {
ret[dim] = 1;
// Align right/bottom
} else if (point > outerSize - innerSize / 2) {
ret[dim] = outerSize - innerSize - 2;
// Align center
} else {
ret[dim] = point - innerSize / 2;
* Swap the dimensions
swap = function (count) {
var temp = first;
first = second;
second = temp;
swapped = count;
run = function () {
if (firstDimension.apply(0, first) !== false) {
if (secondDimension.apply(0, second) === false && !swapped) {
} else if (!swapped) {
} else {
ret.x = ret.y = 0;
// Under these conditions, prefer the tooltip on the side of the point
// if (chart.inverted || this.len > 1) { force it to swap()
// }
return ret;

This can be done through the tooltip.positioner plugin.