402 results found
Better documentation page
First of, I think the documentation page would be more helpful if I could just out right Ctrl+f search through it.
Second, I don't know if this is an issue for anyone else, but having different occurrences of the same term multiple times makes it confusing as to how to configure and/or use it.
For example "series" appears at least 3 times in the documentation tree as it is.
Obj->series6 votes -
Change dataGrouping without reflow
I'd like to be able to do something like this to change dataGrouping on the fly:
chart.series[0].options.dataGrouping.units = [['monthly',[1]]];
chart.series[0].options.dataGrouping.forced = true;
chart.redraw();6 votesThis is possible using `series.update({ dataGrouping })`
Add support for larger prefixes for y-axis labels (Highstock)
Currently, the Highstock code supports "k" (kilo) and "M" (mega) prefixes when creating the y-axis labels, but doesn't support anything larger. At the very least, can we add support for "G" (giga)?
6 votes2012-08-08: This is now implemented in the radial branch. http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/Phb2W/
2012-08-07: We propose to move these definitions out to the language object, as an array called lang.numericSymbols:
lang: {
numericSymbols: [‘k’, ‘M’, ‘G’, ‘T’, ‘P’, ‘E’]
}Each item in the array is a multiple of 1000 of the previous. This also allows for other symbols, for example the implementer can define a symbol of ‘,000’ instead of ‘k’, or speak out the number as ’ thousands’ or ’ millions’. A value of null will skip the symbol altogether and use the full number formatting.
Half Pie/Gauge
Would it be possible to create either a Half Pie chart, or Half Doughnut chart like this:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/btplyr1p49ft9dc/Half%20Doughnut%20Example.png6 votes -
Place flags on specific pane in multi pane charts
It would be great to allow the user to place a flag on the OHLC pane of the graph in this example http://www.highcharts.com/stock/demo/candlestick-and-volume rather than the bottom pane. I have already tried doing this using the "yAxis" attribute of my series but the only yAxis hat works is yAxis[0]. If you know of a work around that would be great as well.
6 votesImplemented since v7:
How about a streamgraph in HighCharts? http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4060954
6 votesHere’s a plugin based on the existing stacking logic: http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/samples/highcharts/studies/streamgraph/
Alternatively, an areasplinerange would be up for the task: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/V757d/
Enable overscrolling - scrolling a fixed amount of pixels (relative to chart.plotWidth) to the right, so that we have an "empty" space waiti
Enable overscrolling - scrolling a fixed amount of pixels (customizable, like say 20% of chart.plotWidth) to the right, so that we show an "empty" space that is waiting for new chart data.
6 votesThis was implemented in v6 as `xAxis.overscroll` option: https://api.highcharts.com/highstock/xAxis.overscroll
to give an example on how to link a map (with leaflet) and highchart. The idea
The idea is to plot a barchart of a variable (for example the monthly ozone concentration) for each country. When clicking on a country; a barchart appear.
6 votesThis is more of a Leaflet question than Highcharts – the procedure would be to capture a click or touch event from the Leaflet API, then from that event handler show a Highcharts chart somewhere, for example in a jQuery UI popup.
Butterfly graph responsive
Hi Team,
Is it possible to develop butterfly graph like this ? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41584716/butterfly-chart-using-highchartsThx :)
6 votesA multiple axis layout will make this work: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/0xked93c/1/
Allow for axis labels to act as links
I would like for you to able able to specify a link URL for each label on an axis. This would allow for people to click on the label to learn more.
5 votesSee docs for axis.labels.formatter
3 Colored Background
Provided a colored background for target values.
When we measure, ultimately we want to compare these measure to a target value. Target values should be a color option in the background (similar to the speedometer gauge). The number of colors up to 3 (R,Y,G) should be driven on the number of ranges for the target value. Thus 100 to 95 (Green), 94 to 75 (Yellow) and 75 and below (Red) give us 3 colors for the background. There needs to be an option to direct the value as ascending or descending (i.e. up is good (Revenue) or up is bad…5 votesThis is done with plot bands.
Allow datalabel formatter to be over-riden with a string
Formatters on DataLabels on specific points must be a functions, this is limiting because I want to store the highcahrts object, as a big chunk of JSON in my DB. By changing line 12658 of highcharts.src.js from:
str = options.formatter.call(point.getLabelConfig(), options);
str = (typeof options.formatter === "string") ? options.formatter : options.formatter.call(point.getLabelConfig(), options);
I can store it as a whole and maintain the current functionality
Paul4 votesIt has been possible since Highcharts 2.3, but the option is called dataLabels.format: http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#plotOptions.series.dataLabels.format
Do you provide the ability to chart standard deviation - bell curve shape etc
Do you provide the ability to chart standard deviation - bell curve shape etc
4 votesBell curve was implemented in v7.1.0
Allow axis scale to be changed without recreating chart
Allow the user to easily switch between different scales for the axis, ie. change the yAxis from log to linear and it will replot.
4 votes -
Set manually compression (Data Grouping) chart
To allow to set manually the chart compression.
Now, every point of chart represents an automatic time period (data grouping) managed internally in relation to zoom choice by range selector. Many financial chart library allow to choice the compression (data grouping) indipendently from range of time visualized.4 votesEach button provides an option to configure `dataGrouping`: https://api.highcharts.com/highstock/rangeSelector.buttons.dataGrouping
Place gauge needle beyond y-axis when value is too large
When the gauge y-axis range is set from -50 to 50 and the actual value is 60, then the needle stops at 50.
However, it would be preferred that the needle is put slightly BEYOND the 50 to indicate that the value is actually outside the y-axis range.
this will prevent the user from accidentally thinking the value is 50.
4 votesImpemented the overshoot option that takes the number of degrees to overshoot
http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/gEGaf/2/ -
Space after the last data point.
Please provide some configuration function to specify space after the last data point. In real time charts, last point updates at edges of the chart, which is inconvenient for the viewers to continuous watching. Particularly for stock market real time chart.
My Idea is not new it is followed in all the standard Charting programs in the market. It will have some space between the last point and edges of the chart. it makes viewing comfortable.
4 votes -
New map of the UK & Ireland
I would like to request a new map of the UK and Ireland with just the county boundaries. The detailed map that you have at the moment has just too many regions!
4 votesThe latest version of the map collection now includes a map of the British isles at country level: http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/jquery/1.11.0/highslide-software/highcharts.com/tree/master/samples/mapdata/custom/british-isles
4 votes
Implemented: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/a2goyq98/
Can you please provide Library (Wrappe) for React-Native ?
Hello Team,
Any plan to support react-native client for high charts? because react-native is booming in market now. if you have any plan, please let us know as we are looking for the react-native client for charts. There is one node wrapper available for highcharts but not community is too low.
so let me update your suggestion for the same, else we need find some another solution.4 votesThe official Highcharts wrapper for React Native is available here: https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts-react-native
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