Space after the last data point.
Please provide some configuration function to specify space after the last data point. In real time charts, last point updates at edges of the chart, which is inconvenient for the viewers to continuous watching. Particularly for stock market real time chart.
My Idea is not new it is followed in all the standard Charting programs in the market. It will have some space between the last point and edges of the chart. it makes viewing comfortable.

M S Senthilkumaran commented
Please check this link's the feature I asked for.
Apparently you can't add images to the comment field, but it would be great if you upload an image to some online location and link to it from your comment.
M S Senthilkumaran commented
Thanks for considering my idea. But the Idea requested is something different. may be my explanation didn't conveyed what I want to say. if there is option to attache a file my idea can be understood clearly.