20 results found
grouped x-axis
Like Excel does when you use 2 columns for the labels.See example on http://minus.com/mHNwVqDZO.
Each item on the category axis falls in a group. The groups are displayed below the axis items. Each group name is displayed only once (centered below all its items). Groups are devided by longer tickmarks.
Each group can contain a different number of items.
Possible uses:
* display structured categories like product and product group or country and region
* display two or more groups side by side, like gross sales and net sales, or this year and last year.175 votesBlack Label kindly shared their grouped X-axis plugin: https://github.com/blacklabel/grouped_categories
Draggable legend box
As in the example found at: http://www.ejschart.com/
171 votes -
Allow specifying borderRadius for individual corners
'Border radius' on a column chart currently affects all 4 corners of a column identically. Please, could we have the ability to set individual corners at different radii?
Personally I would like this so that I can round just the top of a stacked column chart, but i think it would be a great addition and allow some nice extra flexibility in look & feel.147 votesI created a plugin for this feature, see http://www.highcharts.com/plugin-registry/single/5/Rounded-Corners
Edit 2014-05-07: Co-worker Stephane also has a nice drop-in code snippet for creating custom shapes: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/My9Qp/
motion chart
similar google motion charts and most impotant it should work on ipad
92 votesAs Jamie says, Highcharts already supports this, you just need to loop over datasets and run Series.setData or Point.update for each step.
But we are currently working on a set of demos to demonstrate this, which will make it easier for you to set up, as you can copy-paste from our samples.
UPDATE 2019.27.09:
There’s a plugin for it: https://github.com/TorsteinHonsi/Motion-Highcharts-Plugin -
Provide a typescript version for your javascript
Provide a typescript version for your javascript
http://www.typescriptlang.org/77 votesWe are currently in the process of finalizing official TypeScript support.
Use requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout
All animations in Highcharts use setTimeout. A new feature, requestAnimationFrame (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.mozRequestAnimationFrame) optimize all animations (CSS3, SVG, JS) to have a smooth rendering.
More explanation : http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/
36 votesAdded in the code base for Highcharts 6: https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/commit/7ad0d20b5c3197286e859ef830316f47187cfcc0
Dynamic histogram charts
I would love to see interactive histogram charts. Ideally I would pass a single series of data to the chart, along with a default number of bins. Then the user would be able to change the number of bins and the data would be re-binned and the chart re-drawn. Bin labels would be need to be regenerated automatically as well, either from the range of each bin, or its center-point.
An example:
Series: { data: [1,2,1,2,1,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,4] }
Histogram: { defaultBins: 2}would become:
xAxis: { Categories: [ "1-2", "3-4"] }
Series: { Date: [6, 7]}Then if the user changed…
25 votesSee our official histogram demo at http://www.highcharts.com/demo/combo-histogram
Custom approximation function
I would like to have an approximation function in which we can access all the information from the points instead of just the y values. This allows me to not only decide how to group but also an ability to capture information from all the points into the grouped point.
24 votesAs of the next release, we have implemented a hook for getting the raw data for data grouping. See http://jsfiddle.net/xfLLr03a/.
Allow chart to determine/set auto-height/width.
See here: http://forum.highcharts.com/post115029.html
This would add a chart width/height setting of "auto". For bar charts, the auto height uses the point width and padding options to determine the "correct" height of the plot box, instead of using the size of the container. For column charts, the chart would grow/shrink horizontally to fit all columns.
19 votesWe experimented with this in http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/jquery/3.1.1/highcharts/highcharts/tree/samples/highcharts/studies/axis-staticscale/
pinch zoom for ipad/tablet
I would like to give the user the ability to pinch zoom much like sencha charts
15 votesPinch zooming is being developed for Highcharts 3.0.
Start the animation when the chart scrolls in to view
I'd like to be able to delay the initial animation of the chart until it comes in to view in the browser by scrolling.
I've tried doing this with js but the whole chart is hidden until it comes in to view which looks odd. I'd like the axis to show and only the animation to trigger when it comes in to view.
7 votesHere’s a plugin/study for the feature: https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/studies/appear/
Allow gauge to take negative/positive value, extending from a zero position
This example displays a gauge from -4 to +4. The series data value of 0.5 would ideally make the gauge colour the range from 0 to 0.5.
Correspondingly, a series data value of -0.5 would make the gauge colour the range from -0.5 to 0 (and in the example we would make that a green range).7 votesThanks for the good idea! Implemented in https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/commit/fa07d08fa93a52f3cf232fb83e089cc01093c889, it will be out with the next release. See live demo at http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/j99skchd/2/.
Step Position ('on', 'between')
I'd like to specify a stepPosition (such as 'on' or 'between') when step: true. Currently the step always occurs on the actual data point. I'd like to be able to have it step before the data point, so you end up with a plot more similar to a column chart.
My example is that I have an area chart with overlapping series, but I need a step chart, because I'm representing a fixed number of reads at specific loci on a strand of DNA.
7 votesActually we just implemented this. See http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/vQS2n/. It will be released with the next maintenance.
Enhance legend positioning
Now legend positioning is automtical and "horizontal first". I.e. when ALIGN:LEFT, legend space reserved on the left firstly and secondly I can vertically align the legend. Only center-aligned legend can be placed at bottom or top of plot area.
But my designer want to have left-aligned legend at bottom.
So it seems good idea to add legend option like
position:={top|bottom|left|right} to specify where the legend space is reserved, and use existing align/verticalAlign options to align legend inside legend area. May be ignore verticalAlign property for top/bottom position (not sure) but apply both alignment for left/right legend.6 votesSee https://github.com/highslide-software/highcharts.com/issues/3499. We have implemented this so that the layout option of the legend decides what side of the chart it should be displayed at.
Custom date parsing format
It would be really nice to have a custom date format option implemented in HighCharts / HighStock, so that it could parse dates from different sources.
In case it's useful, here's an example of how such feature is implemented in a couple of other JS popular libraries:
• http://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/
• http://c3js.org/reference.html (check "data-xFormat")Cheers!
6 votesHighcharts by default requires integers in form of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
When using the data module however, you can add parsers either as a few predefined formats, or as a dateParser callback. See http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#data.dateFormat.
Scale for each Y-axis on Polar Chart
Similar to Tof's idea but I believe it's a bit different, it's not just max that I want to show, but a full scale for each series on the polar chart. I also need to show these axes in two different places - right now the only workaround is to layer one set y-axis of labels on top of another. Please see this image for an example of what I'm looking to do in highcharts: https://s32.postimg.org/5gnejaln9/polar_chart_with_multiple_y_axes.png
In addition, I am unable to show a single line for the axis right now, the only way to show a line at all…
3 votesThis is now implemented for the next maintenance release.
See a live demo at http://jsfiddle.net/ymp6gwe1/
The source code changes can be seen at https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/commit/b44a6a74325210e8d071d2b91ea3400fbc650558.
linechart symbol markers at the end of each line
At SSB we have a lot of auto generated charts, and need symbol markers on charts to fulfill accessibility requirements, but on a lot of our linecharts the point density is so great that the chart becomes unreadable, but not dense enough for the "null" option to kick in and remove the markers.
Therefor, what we need is that marker symbols appear at the end of each line, while also appearing at the corresponding legend.
(We tried a solution that was posted in another feature request, but found no way to implement it with auto generated charts and also it…
3 votesI have implemented a new option, enabledThreshold. Now we can explicitly add a marker to the last data point to achieve the required effect: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/sj167xkm/
Highcharts drilldown with breadcrumb
Provide a standard way to get highchart drilldown with breadcrumb navigation.
For example in the fiddle
where browsers data is present, a simple breadcrump should be displayed like "browsers / chrome".1 voteThanks for sharing the idea!
We are working on that feature. You can check the updates on our GitHub ticket: https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/issues/12528
Kind Regards,
Paweł -
Add 'Cumulative Sum' type series
Given the amount of development geared towards highcharts as a financial charting library, it's a little surprising that there is no 'cumulative sum' series type.
The user can take the cumulative sum before a series is added... but as soon as the date range is changed, the series should re-calculate the cumulative sum. Implementing it requires wrapping/extending no less than 6 highcharts functions, and I'm sure I'll continue to come across more.1 voteStarted, you can follow the progress on our GitHub: https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/issues/15361
Semi circle graphs
it would be nice to have semi circle graphs to show e.g professional experience duration (especially Year wise.) e.g a person works from 2008 to 2012 in a firm, there would be a semi circle with a Title of firm
1 voteWe just implemented this as a donut chart with a new option, endAngle. See http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/d73bR/.
- Don't see your idea?