1077 results found
Set background image for tooltips/flags and so on
Set background image for tooltips/flags and so on.
11 votes -
Combine xAxis.ordinal & xAxis.TickerPositions
For example, stock exchange opens at 9AM, suspend for lunch at 11h30AM, resume at 1h30PM, and closes at 3PM everyday except weekend. Using ordinal, my expectation is that HighStock can only draw xAxis labels as 9 - 10 - 11 - 13 - 14 - 15 for each date except weekends.
I try to fix xAxis labels here http://jsfiddle.net/yDkrJ/2/ but it doesn't work.
11 votes -
Playback of bubble graph (or scatter series)
With bubble graphs, it would be very powerful to have the ability to play an animation of the data through its history of updates, or from any point in time to any other.
As seen in SQL Power View:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JndC1bf5xIE#t=3m5sAnd Hans Rosling's TED Talks like this one:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVimVzgtD6w#t=3m25s11 votes -
Support Android 2 on HighStock
Support android 2 for highstock or gracefully degrade minimally so that something is viewable.
11 votes -
Pie Title
Introduce a pie title that displays the series name. There should be option for placement: 'above', 'below' and 'inside'.
Pie titles are necessary when you use charts with 2 or more pies is them.
See these 3 mockups I made:
Above: http://jsfiddle.net/kzoon/Nw2cC/
Below: http://jsfiddle.net/kzoon/qMvc9/
Inside: http://jsfiddle.net/kzoon/8SdqV/11 votesI created this small plugin that allows a pie plugin to be aligned using the regular Highcharts alignment options (align, verticalAlign, x, y).
Complete auto scale (auto resize) option for charts
When resizing a chart, it would be great if the all chart elements (titles, labels, legend items, axis, all fonts) auto scaled appropriately with the chart.
This would apply not just to expanded/contracting the height and width area of the chart, but also when using the zoom feature.
11 votes -
Dotted line between points with null breaks in between
A feature that adds a dotted line instead of a solid line
between two points when connectNulls = trueEx.
x - y
1 - 2
2 - 3
3 - NULL
4 - NULL
5 - 3Would be a solid line except between 2 and 5 where it could be dashed
11 votes -
When the mouse is in the tooltip, the tooltip will not disappear
Sometimes user may add link in the tooltip and click the links. But the tooltip will disappear soon. So it is very hard for a user to put the cursor on the link and click it.
Although user can set a long delay to resolve the issue but when the mouse leaves the tooltip tooltip does not disappearfor long time which is not good either.
11 votes -
3D Pyramid Chart Needed
How quickly can I get a 3D Pyramid Chart added into the supported chart types for High Charts?
11 votes -
Rotate funnel chart
it is posible to make an option to rotate the funnel chart 90º to left or to the right?.. it will be helpful. Thx
11 votes -
Suppress gaps in multi-series column charts
Consider this chart where one series has a missing value. JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pclaar/zmktekak/2/
(Note that New York does not have a value for February.)
I would like to instruct HighCharts to remove the gap created by the missing data point, effectively showing three points for February.
11 votes -
Android Native client
Hello Team,
Any plan to support native client for high charts? if you have any plan, please let us know as we are looking for the native android client for charts.11 votes -
Control Charts to support manufacturing quality control: X-bar R + I-MR Chart
We would like to be able to generate control charts to show measurements of some property of a product (e.g. mass, thickness, voltage, ppm of a chemical, etc.) over time and also overlay statistical measures line charts including the mean of the sample, ±3σ, UCL (Upper Control Limit - an upper threshold specification value), LCL (Lower Control Limit - a lower threshold specification value), and highlighting data points that may be out of control based on the 7 Wester Electric rules (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Electric_rules). For additional information check out http://asq.org/learn-about-quality/data-collection-analysis-tools/overview/control-chart.html.
11 votes -
API to Expand Collapse all parents in Gantt Chart
Currently, there is no option to call a function to expand and collapse all elements of a Gantt chart. Some API like chart.expandAll("level1"), chart.collapseAll("level1")
11 votes -
10 votes
BUG with Arabic tooltip
i see one bug with arabic or other right to left languages.this bug in tooltip that has a new break line (<br /> tag). my code same this:
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container' , defaultSeriesType: 'bar'
},credits: { enabled: false }, legend: { enabled: true }, plotOptions: { column: { pointPadding: 0.2, borderWidth: 0 } }, title: {"text":"سعید محمدهاشم"}, subtitle: {"text":"سعید تست میکند"}, xAxis: {"title":null,"align":null,"categories":["سعید","حمید","امیر","مهدی","حسین"]}, yAxis: {"title":{"text":"سعید"},"align":null,"categories":null}, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>'+this.series.name +'</b><br />'+ this.x +':'+ this.y; } }, series: [{"name":"حقوق","data":[4,15,5,17,14],"color":null},{"name":"مزایا","data":[4,25,6,12,6],"color":null},{"name":"مرخصی","data":[7,19,2,34,5],"color":null},{"name":"پاداش","data":[3,14,6,21,9],"color":null}] });
10 votes -
Allow formatters to return svg source
Currently formatters can only return strings that then get wrapped in a svg text element.
It would be great if formatters could optionally return svg source themselves (or even have access to the svg renderer) so that it would be possible / easier to implement custom modifications to the way data labels and legend items are rendered.
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10 votes
Image fallback for non-javascript environments
I imagine this would be something similar to Google Static Maps, where a chart would be displayed via an img tag. This would be useful as a fallback for browsers with JavaScript disabled, or in dynamically created downloadable documents (like PDFs)
10 votes -
Java Library
Would be awesome to have a java library to create your fancy charts!!!
10 votes
- Don't see your idea?