Add Renko chart type to the charting cabability, here is a link for charting Renko
Create highstock renko chart type.

AdminPaweł Fus (Admin, Highcharts JS) commented
Thank you for posting the idea Ali Azad!
We already have this thread, so I merged your idea here. Feel free to test my solution posted below and let us know your thoughts. Thanks!
Ali Azad commented
In the last project, I was needing a Renko chart. I searched a lot about the Renko chart in Javascript I just find one official Renko chart from Wijmo team but the price that was about 700$. And I found two Renko chart that was not official from HightCharts and canvasJs but they are a rangeColumn chart and by some tricks changed to Renko chart and they have a lot of issues. The Renko chart in Javascript is very very rare.
AdminPaweł Fus (Admin, Highcharts JS) commented
Fixed for small values: Thanks!
Andrew commented
I mean the link provided by Pawel Fus ( )
Andrew commented
The posted link doesn't work if change is small value eg. 0.1
data: linearDataToRenko(data, .01), -
AdminPaweł Fus (Admin, Highcharts JS) commented
Renko charts are columnrange type series with preprocessed dataset, example for you: - where you can define price change (default to 1point).
Let us know if you find any issues with the solution above.
Kind Regards,
Paweł Fus
Highcharts Developer -
Beautiful Charts commented
Renko Chart simplifies the chart reading and provide very specific idea about trend.