In the last project, I was needing a Renko chart. I searched a lot about the Renko chart in Javascript I just find one official Renko chart from Wijmo team but the price that was about 700$. And I found two Renko chart that was not official from HightCharts and canvasJs but they are a rangeColumn chart and by some tricks changed to Renko chart and they have a lot of issues. The Renko chart in Javascript is very very rare.
In the last project, I was needing a Renko chart. I searched a lot about the Renko chart in Javascript I just find one official Renko chart from Wijmo team but the price that was about 700$. And I found two Renko chart that was not official from HightCharts and canvasJs but they are a rangeColumn chart and by some tricks changed to Renko chart and they have a lot of issues. The Renko chart in Javascript is very very rare.