Add Navigation bar for Y-Axis in Highstock
My suggestion for a very helpful feature would be to add a vertical navigation bar for the Y-Axis, similar to the navigation bar that exists for the X-Axis, for Highcharts. Would lead to a highly interactive plot, especially suitable for project using scatter-plots

Completed as of v4.2.6. See
Ali commented
Nice feature. Do we need highstock license in order to use it in highcharts?
Greg commented
Is it possible to use this with the range navigator in high stock. Can this be moved to the left hand sided and able to select ranges and drag the navigator/range selector to move up and down rather than left to right.
Yes, v4.2.6 is going to be published any day now.
Azmi commented
Is this going to be available in any of the upcoming releases. Its been quite sometime since we saw any update on this thread. -
@Peggy, see previous comment
Peggy Lindner commented
Is this going to be released any time soon? The solution would work for most of my apps.
@Azmi, we have a couple of remaining issues, then we expect to merge it into the master branch and release it within a few weeks.
Azmi commented
What would be the release timeline for this, eagerly awaiting this feature
Pedro Ghilardi commented
These are great news! :D
Paweł Fus commented
Thank you for the feedback! I'm in charge for the new Scrollbar in Highstock, so all suggestions are appreciated. Now you can enable Scrollbar on xAxis/yAxis level, not only for a chart. That means you can invert chart in Highstock (using Highcharts constructor), and simply enable scrollbar on xAxis, example:
Pedro Ghilardi commented
The scrollbar on y works for inverted charts too?
My use case is an inverted chart with time domain. Actually the scrollbar appears on bottom, but I want to show the scrollbar on right. It's just the position of the scrollbar when I'm using an inverted chart.Thanks!
Je1te commented
Thx so much! This was exactly what I needed and such a coincidence that you commented here today. Love this framework, hope you can release the vertical scrollbar in a stable version soon!
Best of luck :)
Bragboy commented
Awesome, can't wait to get it !
Azmi commented
Would this also cover ie vertical scrollbar for inverted charts. Badly need it.
Anonymous commented
I'm looking for this feature (scrollable y axis) in highcharts - is it something that would apply only to highstock?
It's not yet started, but ideally we should be able to decouple the scrollbar from the X axis and be able to apply it to any axis.
Matt Hamsmith commented
We are strongly considering using HighStock for our commercial web application. We need to support multiple y-axes in separate charting spaces with a common x-axis and navigator (like your example here:, but instead of two charting spaces, we will have up to 40. In order to keep the x-axis and navigator in sight, we need a scrollbar within the plot area that scrolls ONLY the y-axes, leaving the x-axis and navigator fixed. It seems like this feature has been requested for a while - is there any movement to implement it, or has it already been implemented?
Pedro Ghilardi commented
I am interested in this feature too. And with highstock, the navigator could be displayed vertically too.
varsha commented
I will suggest that user should be able to add Y-axis at scroll-bar potion in highstock
Antoine commented
Any news on this feature?