Ability to specify the minimum gap size in seconds
Please, add the possibility of specifying the gapSize in seconds (eg gapTime). It will be very-very useful for timeline charts for Highstocks and Highcharts.

For the records, it would not be seconds specifically, but X values in general.
Here’s a snippet that makes the gapSize apply to absolute X values (meaning milliseconds in our case): http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/wado3rku/
If we implement this in the core, it should probably be called gapValues or gapSizeAbsolute, but we need to check how it works with an ordinal axis.
Okay, maybe you should use axis breaks instead? http://api.highcharts.com/highstock#xAxis.breaks.
Since you'r analyzing and preprocessing your data anyway, you can look for full-hour gaps in the data and add breaks there.
NarodMon Project commented
Unfortunately such variant does not suit us, because the interval between points on the X-axis can be variable and can be interrupted at any time interval. Our goal is to initiate a rupture, if the interval exceeds 1 hour. Intervals more than 1 hour there may be several on one chart.
We partially solved the problem by addition of a point with Y = null immediately before the gap size more than 1 hour, but on the bottom graph in HighStock Chart, it unfortunately has no effect.