1077 results found
Set background image for tooltips/flags and so on
Set background image for tooltips/flags and so on.
11 votes -
Allow stacking on different types of series
So, we have 2 columns series and 2 scatter series and all these 4 are pointing to a single category item.
Occasionally, there is a need to show stacked points scaling together with the transforming columns whenever we show or hide column series belong to a single category point.
Unfortunately, currently even if we stack column 1 and scatter 1 & column 2 and scatter 2, the scatter points are staying on the exact same spot whereas the columns are transforming during show and hide.the only thing necessary is to adjust the "x" value of the scatter points to…
7 votesI created a plugin to allow the scatter points to align to a column series. See http://www.highcharts.com/jsbin/omevud/edit .
ability to have different marker images/symbols for default and on hover states
ability to have different marker images/symbols for default and on hover states
6 votes -
Hello,I'm a green hand in using HighChats.
In my project,through setting categories,to emerge the title of XAixs.But the categories are to long,when set the rotation for -90,the charts overlap the categories.
Please tell me how to solve the problem,thank you.the code as follows
…chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', //图表容器Id defaultSeriesType: 'spline', //图表类型 line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie , column,scatter inverted: false, //左右显示,默认上下正向。假如设置为true,则横纵坐标调换位置 plotBackgroundColor: null, plotBorderWidth: null, zoomType: 'y', spacingRight: 2, //图表距右侧的位置 spacingLeft: 2, //图表距右侧的位置 plotShadow: false }, title: { text: "测试图表标题" //图表标题 }, //Y轴坐标标题 labels:纵柱标尺 yAxis: { min: -10, max: 10, title: { enabled:
1 vote -
grouped x-axis
Like Excel does when you use 2 columns for the labels.See example on http://minus.com/mHNwVqDZO.
Each item on the category axis falls in a group. The groups are displayed below the axis items. Each group name is displayed only once (centered below all its items). Groups are devided by longer tickmarks.
Each group can contain a different number of items.
Possible uses:
* display structured categories like product and product group or country and region
* display two or more groups side by side, like gross sales and net sales, or this year and last year.175 votesBlack Label kindly shared their grouped X-axis plugin: https://github.com/blacklabel/grouped_categories
Under the lang options provide an option to specify the length of the month abbreviation.
French abbreviate their month names to 4 letters not 3. With only three June and July both abbreviate to "Jui". I think the easiest solution would be to provide an option that we can set under "lang" that specifies how a long a substring to take when abbreviating month names.
1 vote -
Changelog RSS feed
Please do a RSS feed of http://www.highcharts.com/documentation/changelog . I personally follow software updates via rss feeds mostly. Helps to keep up to date at a glance. ty
3 votes -
Summary Tables
Add support for adding simple data tables inside or outside of a chart. This would be similar to a legend, but contains custom data sets. Currently we use the Highcharts Renderer to render a background rectangle based on the matching chart options and draw the table the same way the legend is drawn outside of the table. It would be nice if there was the option for that datatable to exist under the chart/overlayed on the chart or completely separate from the chart.
53 votes2019-03-04
Added a study for integration with Handsontable, a third party grid component: https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/studies/summary-table-handsontable/2017-09-11
The data table is now a feature of the data-export module. See http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/VEs7z/3/. Notice how it updates as the chart is updated (for example by showing/hiding series).
2014Here’s a proof of concept of how you can draw a table programmatically: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/VEs7z/
Custom placement for x and y axis labels
Customize/replace the placement of the x and y axis labels.
AxisXCustomLabels = [{value: 1, label:'label1'}, {value:4, label:'label2'}, {value:54.4, 'label5'}]4 votes -
Accumulation chart
It would be great if you integrate Accumulation chart in Highcharts.. http://i52.tinypic.com/10xvfh4.png
we are awaiting for this new accumulation chart
1 vote -
api hook for missing data
An option for what to display in place of missing data. Currently, you can override the formatter for data labels, a simple '==null' test would work. The issue is that the formatter and display for the label is skipped on null elements in series. Could there be a second option, an incase-of-null display hook?
0 votesThank you for your request.
3 votes
visual pivot viewer like MS' PowerPivot would be amazing - currently requires Silverlight
9 votes -
Label at last data point
It would be nice to show a label between 2 ticks at the x position of the last data point.
This way you can see the most recent entry more clearly, and without having to hover over the data point.12 votesSee http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/mAJtj/ for a possible solution using data labels.
Cursor X Value and Event
Using a cursor line following the mouse, not points, would be very useful know current cursor value (X axis value) to allow us to interpolate Y values and a way to set a JS method that will be fired on cursor move.
Is very common a table with the columns (Timestamp and Value), but in some analisys, is very useful "see" the value between 2 points. The value between this 2 points doesn't exist on dataset, but can be interpolated. With the current X value of cursor and a event will allow us to develop a JS interpolation method.15 votes -
add an option to open the export menu on 'mouseover' instead of 'click'
Currently, the exporting modules export button opens the export menu when the user clicks the button. It would be nice if there was an option to have this menu open on mouseover instead.
3 votes -
internal json parser
for complex json data created on server, that they have fileds name like: [['a':1,'b':2],['a':2,'b':3]] ===> can define a field for xaxis and b field for yaxis
xaxis: json[a]
yaxis: json[b]5 votes -
add an 'above' y-axis title align option
A standard way of displaying the title of a vertical axis is horizontally above the axis labels (see http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2179993/axis_top_chart.png). The only way to achieve this currently with Highcharts is to rotate the title and manually position the it using the 'margin', 'x', and 'y' axis title properties. It would be useful if this positioning could be calculated internally, and specified by an additional option to the 'align' property.
12 votes -
Create sparklines like in Google analytics
19 votes -
colorByPoint for scatter plot
Add colorByPoint option to the scatter plot. This would allow coding a third dimension by color or intensity in a standard scatter plot.
6 votes
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