1077 results found
Add footnote textbox immediately below chart.
I have several charts for which I need both subtitles and footnotes to clarify/explain the presentation of data (and I always use credits). When displaying on the web it is easy enough to add a paragraph under the chart, however I also need this footnote when exporting the chart. I would envision a simple text box above the credits section.
There is a similar suggestion that was closed with the suggestion to use subtitles ( http://jsfiddle.net/sGv32/5/ ), but this suggestion will obviously not work if subtitles are already being used. Also, in Chrome, the chart tries to display below the…16 votesHere’s an example of how to add a responsive and exportable text box programmatically: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/WwPFN/
Automatically calculate the height of each yaxis based on the number of axis and height of chart.
Refer to this topic:
http://highslide.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=18427Would be awesome if you can just say "each yaxis height should be calculated, so they all equal, or a % of the others if you want 1 bigger than the rest. Instead of having to try and work out each ones height and top position everytime
4 votes -
Highstock data grouping UI
Currently Highstock allows you to select a zoom factor (buttons on the top left), but the data grouping is automatically select.
I suggest to make it possible to have a data grouping UI similar to the range UI that lets a user choose/enforce the data grouping interval.
Additionally if automatic grouping is used and the user did not override the grouping, the currently used data grouping range is highlighted on the buttons.
7 votes -
One digit month format
One digit month format (i.e. "2" instead of "02") is not yet supported.
9 votesYou can implement it by defining your own dateFormats to extend the built-in ones: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/QECBE/
Trellis Charts like http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/trellis-plot-alternative-to-stacked-bar-chart/
Trellis Charts like http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/trellis-plot-alternative-to-stacked-bar-chart/
44 votesYou can create Trellis charts in Highcharts by adding multiple charts side-by-side or underneath each other, for example inside a table or floating divs. See http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/VqruM/.
Currency/number grouping and formatting
In the US, they group in 10,000,000 and the UK, its 1,00,00,000.
By default the labels default to the US version..
Please refer to thread here:
http://highslide.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=7500&p=73952#p739526 votes -
Add adjustable zIndex to legend and itemMarginRight + Left
Add an adjustable zIndex to legend:
(add on line 8087): zIndex = options.zIndex || 10;
(change on line 8403): .attr({ zIndex: zIndex })Add itemMarginLeft and itemMarginRight:
(change on line 8377):
if (horizontal) {
itemX += itemMarginLeft + itemWidth + itemMarginRight;
} else {
itemY += itemMarginTop + itemHeight + itemMarginBottom;
}7 votes -
Allow label items to be placed in the centre of the chart. Eg align: centre
Currently it is only possible to set the label sing top and left co-ordinates, it would be nice to be able to centre the label, as the strings I pass in are dynamic and therefore some are longer than others which in turn makes the string look out of place when set using co-ordinates
3 votes -
Add possibility to show input range selector when export charts !
I have posted the request on forum and someone suggest me to edit directly the source for do it...
3 votes -
Different attributes for inside, outside and separator borders of pie chart
For the slices of a pie chart, allow the user to specify border attributes differently for inside, outside and separator borders. I would like to specify no border for the outside and inside of a donut chart, but still have borders between the slices.
22 votes -
Can I Alternate two charts (like a slideshow) in the same area?
Can I Alternate two charts (like a slideshow) in the same area?
1 vote -
Dynamic histogram charts
I would love to see interactive histogram charts. Ideally I would pass a single series of data to the chart, along with a default number of bins. Then the user would be able to change the number of bins and the data would be re-binned and the chart re-drawn. Bin labels would be need to be regenerated automatically as well, either from the range of each bin, or its center-point.
An example:
Series: { data: [1,2,1,2,1,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,4] }
Histogram: { defaultBins: 2}would become:
xAxis: { Categories: [ "1-2", "3-4"] }
Series: { Date: [6, 7]}Then if the user changed…
25 votesSee our official histogram demo at http://www.highcharts.com/demo/combo-histogram
Have flags avoid each other vertically when they are too close.
Overlapping flags makes charts unhappy. Smart flags that get out of each other's way makes charts smile. Thanks!
5 votes -
3 votes
Limit the max number of ticks to prevent the browser from being no response
Small value of the "tickInterval" option results in too many ticks that cause the browser to be unresponsive. (To reproduce by changing the series data from "500" to "10000" at below jsfiddle link.
So it would be helpful to have the max tick number as a cap.
If the data range is too big and tick interval is too small which makes the tick number too big, then the max tick number is used to prevent the unresponsive behavior.14 votes -
Background color for labels on the Axis.plotLines
I would love to be able to set background color for labels on the yAxis.plotLines:
yAxis: {
plotLines: {
color: ...,
width: ...,
value: ...,
label: {
text: '...',
style: {
color: '...',
backgroundColor: '...'
}29 votes -
To add an image at the end of every bar or column when create it.
I am creating a column chart. And I want to add image just at the point where each column ends.
4 votes -
Let Highcharts.dateFormat support week numbers.
%U, %V and %W on php strftime
35 votes -
Add 'Invalid date' string to language object
This would improve the translation experience.
6 votes -
Drawing facility like http://www.freestockcharts.com/
Please apply some drawing facility and also comparisons of multiple series like this website http://www.freestockcharts.com/ on OHLC charts.
9 votes
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