381 search results
Animated updating after changes in the data · completed
Make pie slices selectable through data labels
Space after the last data point. · completed
Convertion between Highmaps and Google location data
Built in CSV support/Separate data from config
Zone based data grouping
Stacked Area chart for irregular interval data points
Smooth animation transitions when series data changes
no data module with multiple series in highcharts.js
Data labels where there is no spacein columns
Brushing - Selecting multiple data points with the mouse · under review
Data labels render opposite of bar/column starting point
Show tooltip on data label (line charts)
do demo: ajax/json data from tables.googlelabs.com · planned
The posibility to change data in an Chart · completed
make x-axis data selectable
Auto scale large data sets
Export custom range data (through navigator) to excel
external data from php mysql
Multilanguage or internationalized map data