Add 508 compliance
Add support for section 508 .....

A solution for adding a machine readable HTML table below the chart can be seen at
Anonymous commented
Hi I have used highcharts for my application. The data on the chart is loaded dynamically . Can you guide me on how I can implement section 508 standards for this chart
Can you elaborate on what specific features you need for 508 compliance?
Anonymous commented
Hi Torstein,
Does High Chart adhere to 508 compliance?
pls provide us in details on this.
Bhavanishankar -
What about displaying a HTML table as an alternative? You could set up Highcharts to load data from the table in the first place, and hide the table by default. See for a demo.
Anonymous commented
Hi Torstein,
we have a 508 Compliance saying this:Web pages shall be designed so that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example from context or markup.
we do have legends in high chart displayed with colors, can there be a text message if i have removed the color css?
Anonymous commented
Take a look here:
Karen Moyes commented
The charts would need to be read using assistive technology such as a screen reader. Either the data points, or allow the developer to add alternate text to be read. Also, the charts need to be accessible without a mouse (have keyboard controls). This at the very least.
What exactly would that mean in the case of Highcharts? What features are missing for it to be 508 compliant?