StyledMode + dynamic series colour
Styled mode is great but often with dynamically generated charts (i.e. when a user can customise a chart live) it would useful to be able to allow colours to be set on series. In our case we have a common look for all charts but also a colour picker.
Has the option of being able to set series colour in the same way as you would with styled mode turned off been considered? There's an argument that setting the series colour is data not presentation and therefore should be permissible with styled mode is enabled.

Yes I follow the argument – there are also series where the color is crucial, like heatmaps with a color axis.
In styled mode the idea is that you set the colorIndex instead of a color on the series, so you should be able to set individual series colors by linking the result of the color picker to the colorIndex of the series.
mark goldin commented
<In styled mode the idea is that you set the colorIndex instead of a color ....
Any example to illustrate?