Dragable Y axis labels to zoom Y
It would be amazing if Highcharts could implement the ability to click, hold and drag the top and bottom areas of the Y axis on colum, area, line and stock charts in order to Zoom in and out of the Y axis (independently of the X axis).
Most stock charts allow you to click an area of the Y axis and for example by moving the mouse up, you zoom in on the Y axis (stretch) and moving the mouse down you zoom out on the Y axis (contract).
Also for example dragging the top area of the y axis up or the bottom area down would zoom with the center anchored to where the mouse is.
This would be massively appreciated!

Thanks for the suggestion! I have seen a plugin for this feature once, but it is years ago and I can’t find it…
AdminPaweł Fus (Admin, Highcharts JS) commented
Here you can find this plugin: https://www.highcharts.com/products/plugin-registry/single/20/Scalable%20Y-Axis (double click on label to reset zoom).