Avoiding series overlap
Let's say I have a chart similar to http://jsfiddle.net/k7n8cf8m/
There are two lines with almost same data.
I've got a question if is there a possibility, to present those lines joined together, one above, second right below (without padding or anything, just 2 glued together lines). I mean it shouldn't overlap each other, but display like a rainbow instead.
Something like that: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/3goqaqfj/
But without changing data values.
Is there a chance to introduce something like that in near future?

This is a bit similar to the minPointLength option – https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series.column.minPointLength, which aims to ease readability when points overlap. It also has the same logical problem: If a small offset is added for multiple series or points after each other, eventually the points will be drawn off scale.
Here’s a small plugin I wrote that offsets the series by an optional amount of pixels per the series index: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/vgdga7vw/1/. As you see, it doesn’t actually consider if any offset is necessary, plus when you have a lot of series it will be off scale.
Adam commented
Wow :) Thanks! It solves my problem actually.
Just one thing is that in my current implementation, after zoom or zoom reset, it acts weird.
Something is happening with 'g.translateY' - before zoom, values are not the same as after zooming and reset.
I'll try to change it anyway.
Thanks for help :)