Faded rectangle on candlestick chart which indicates minimum and maximum based on time t1- begin and t2-end of time window.
Idea is shown here: http://waszczyk.com/resources/rectandleDoNotDelete.PNG Top edge indicates a maximum from chart and bottom edge shows a minimum with respect to input- T1 and T2. The background color is faded and custimizable.

Could a polygon series work for you? http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/n43L0a2x/
Yes, that's right. Just loop over your data points.
Tomasz Waszczyk commented
I have a data series with respect to time. So, having two dates let say 1.1.2010 and 30.1.2010 iterating through all elements between 1.1.2010 and 30.1.2010 I am able to find max and/or min. Right ?
One way or another you need to feed those Y values to Highcharts. So if you don't know them, you need to compute them. For example, you could loop over the data set programmatically and find the minimum and maximum values within the given time stamp, then use those values for the polygon.
Tomasz Waszczyk commented
Thanks for code. Issue is that I do not know in the code:
[Date.UTC(2016, 1, 29), 100],100 - i do not know it. I need to draw exactly the same polygon but based only on:
Date.UTC(2016, 1, 20) and let say Date.UTC(2016, 1, 29),
and then maximum of price with respect to mentioned time window is ploted a top border of polygon. I hope that I expained it in clear way. Is it possible ? Once more time thanks for code !