1077 results found
Horizontal Stripes algorithm in Treemap
It would have been great if we had the option to have horizontal, in addition to the vertical, stripes so that examples like this https://jsfiddle.net/dimitrisv/yb2u713m/11/ can make more meaningful use of the available space.
1 vote -
Multiple Opposite X-Axis; One of the X-Axis is grouped
Hi Team,
First of all great work on the Highcharts. It is very helpful in far many way I can describe in representing complex data.
Recently, I have come across a requirement where I need to use Dual-Xaixs of which one is a grouped. i.e for instance, say my bottom X-Axis is of months my top X-Axis should be of quarters (3 months ~ A quarter). I do not see any example or hacks which I can use to achieve this. Please, let me know if this is possible. If so, Please point me in the right direction so that…
1 vote -
Global dateTimeLabelFormats configuration
It would be nice if there was a single option that we could apply our dateTimeLabelFormats for all objects that use that option instead of having to copy and paste it separately for tooltip, y-axis, x-axis, etc.
1 vote -
Progress through a multi-step process
Not sure what is the name of this type of chart exactly but I need something that visualizes a progress through a multi-step process. Something like this - https://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vector/progress-bar-user-interface-design-vector-16715259.
I couldn't find anything in your examples.1 vote -
Duplicate Legend
I think currently high chart support legend at single position, but I would like to display the legend on top as well as on bottom of the chart, because if the chart is bar chart and more values then user need to scroll the page again and again to view the legend.
So please let me know if it is already implemented or add to todo's list.
1 voteMultiple legends feature is currently planned and the implementation has already started.
drill-down with motion player
We need to have a pie chart that supports motion player and drill-down feature at the same time
1 vote -
Events for annotation and indicator changed
For a StockChart every time the user adds, removes or modifies an annotation or an indicator, either over the annotation-/indicator-popup or by dragging an annotation-control-point directly, an event on the chart instance should be fired, so that you can e.g. automatically save the chart-state every time something has changed.
Maybe something like:
Highcharts.Chart#events:indicatorChanged1 voteKacper Madej responded
Thank you for submitting the idea.
Basic events are already here: on chart level we have addSeries (https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/chart.events.addSeries) and series remove – implemented, but not a part of documented API (demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/0cosmk2g/) or similar series destroy (the same situation).
For series update you could use series render event (not a part of documented API).
Events for annotation update are not yet implemented.
How to resolve:
Generally, this could be implemented through extending Highcharts. Related functions that create, update and destroy annotations could be wrapped to fire additional events. I’ll try to provide a POC later this week. -
Static library support
First of all thanks for great library. In our company we are using licensed version and we need static library support for cocoapods.
Using "usemodularheaders!" in Podfile causes to have pods as a single static library in the project which results in smaller app size and reduced initial load time for the app. We discussed the support in github : https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts-ios/issues/150
We will really appreciate if this is supported.
King Regards
1 vote -
Make chart#rangeSelector part of the public API
I asked for chart.rangeSelector to be added to the typescript definitions and was told it's a private class. It can be used as described here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48798659/programmatically-set-rangeselector-in-highcharts
1 vote -
add option to add tooltip in place of credits in highcharts
I opened an issue on GitHub. see here:
https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/issues/100601 vote -
add new chart
can you add new chart, like this:
https://help.qlik.com/en-US/sense/November2018/Subsystems/Hub/Content/Sense_Hub/Visualizations/PieChart/pie-chart.htm1 voteWe have pie charts and variable radius pie charts in Highcharts. What specifically are you looking for?
Native option to zoom and center highmaps on nonempty regions
I have some usefull trick to center map on non empty (with some data) regions to avoid this case:
https://gyazo.com/35fd0d74d3e773f694790c5fc0c95eceand now i can show only usefull part of highmap, by default:
const points = this.chart.series[0];let minX = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, maxX = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, minY = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, maxY = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; if (!points) return; this.chart.series[0] .getValidPoints() .forEach(item => { if (item['_minX'] && item['_maxX'] && item['_minY'] && item['_maxY']) { minX = Math.min(minX, item['_minX']); maxX = Math.max(maxX, item['_maxX']); minY = Math.min(minY, item['_minY']); maxY = Math.max(maxY, item['_maxY']); } }); this.chart.series[0].xAxis.setExtremes(minX, maxX, true); this.chart.series[0].yAxis.setExtremes(minY, maxY, true); this.chart.redraw();
1 voteThanks for your suggestion! There’s also functions like Chart.mapZoom and Point.zoomTo with similar functionality.
Support for non-numerical y-axis object array specification
Some charts, such as heatmaps, frequently have categorical x and y axis values. Converting categories to numerical indices adds extra code and possibility for error. X-axis categorical values can be specified within an object array using the "name" field. I suggest a similar field ("yname") to specify y values by name, rather than index.
1 vote -
Resize columns and drag&drop feature in the gantt charts table
In most gantt charts, the ability to resize and drag in addition to the chart for the gantt charts table has also been implemented.
This means we can change the size of the table columns
We can also move the table rows with tasks1 vote -
Pie chart with negative and positive values
Hello, we are your customer and urgently need Pie chart with negative and positive values
1 voteThanks for requesting! We’re considering this as a feature for the variable radius pie chart, where it would fit in by applying a zThreshold so that it could visualize negative Z values.
In the meantime, you can hack it by adding two series to a pie chart with different radius: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/2g8u7vq1/
Boost Module for Sankey Chart
The boost module would be beneficial for large dataset when using the sankey chart. We are experiencing a severe degradation in performance with large datasets on this chart type
1 voteThanks for posting!
The first step would be to profile the non-boosted code to get the best performance out of it in each case.
Can you show us a live demo of your problematic chart?
waterfall: non-numeric total date xAxis label
The totals column on a waterfall with a date is always placed on the timeline somewhere. The totals isn't actually a part of the date timeline, it's an aggregated value and should be able to be marked as such.
Basic ask is for an additional tick that is customizable that represents the placement of the placement of the connected totals column.
Problem described more fully here:
https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/issues/104581 vote -
I like the new "Item" chart. But I have been frustrated with the management of real. It would be really nice if the last item point/symbol could be cut according to the decimal corresponding.
Even if we want to display a percentage, the rounding method (it's a ceiling round) result in a chart with 102 items (I don't want to round number before because on hover I want the real value to be displayerd).
Thanks1 vote -
color for patterns in venn diagram
I need to have color that is different from the parent set for the intersected part in the venn diagram and then if I give pattern then the pattern must be applied to the given portion with the same color that is specified for that particular area.
1 vote -
Export multiple chart data into .CSV and .XLS files based on timestamp
Hi Team,
Request you to implement a functionality to export the data of two charts into .CSV and .XLS files in such a way that the exported files have data grouped based on timestamp and not just appended one to another.
Please find below an example :
Export File Data with current functionality :
27-05-2019 12.5 45.68 67.8
27-05-2019 14.5 70.98 90.87
28-05-2019 10 15 90
28-05-2019 12.5 14.5 89.6
29-05-2019 67.5 78.5 67.5Actual Export File Data needed :
27-05-2019 12.5 45.68 67.8 14.5 70.98 90.87
28-05-2019 10 15 90 12.5 14.5 89.6
29-05-2019 67.5 78.5 67.51 vote
- Don't see your idea?