381 search results
Bubble chart- Data label positioning at the bottom
Export custom range data (through navigator) to excel
Be able to select a segment of data from a graph and export the data in order to draw a new graph
Add ability to show Global Level Data on HighMaps
Tooltip to show and format additional custom data per point
Limit the max number of ticks to prevent the browser from being no response
Allow specification of indices for series from one data array · under review
Animate chart when showing fewer data points to be consistent
I doesn't to show the last value data · declined
Add option to render in HTML5 canvas for large data sets
Explicit support for drill-down Ajax interactive data zooming
Donut Chart - How to reducte the data label pointer width ? · completed
add websocket support for live data!
Sort data before displaying the chart · declined
Allow HTML tables to have formatted numbers in Data.js
Have Highstock series data be displayed as background color
Publish the map collection data as an React/NPM package · completed
probability density / normal distribution / "bell curve" - autogenerated from series data · completed
show only y-axis label according to value in serie data
Allow series->data->marker config obj to overwrite plotOptions->series->marker · completed