381 search results
Tap&Drag zooming for line charts on touch input devices
Playback of bubble graph (or scatter series)
Crosshair snapping
Vertical line markers · completed
Extend the axis 'max' property to act like css min-height rather than a hard ceiling · completed
Configureable Max-Distance of Navigator handles · completed
Allow tooltip toggling
Add minPointLength for CLOSE to zero values but not for value exactly 0
axis typ: doule logarithmic
drill down pie
Allow area charts to display "state" value · completed
Position tick labels between ticks on a date-time x-axis · under review
Allow option for use of Voronoi diagrams by tooltips
Vertical line markers with ToolTip
Provide ability to specify symbol for a milestone in Gantt
Allow null values in highmaps
Add vectors based on wind direction and wind speed in HeatMaps · completed
Allow chart option toggling · completed
square charts fit container
add margin so showlastvalue = false not needed