381 search results
Allow panning on y axis · completed
graph should not dissappear to left while automatic updating · declined
Allow datetime axis labels to use guessed tooltip date format
Ability to add grouping items to xaxis
Highstock for R
internal json parser
allow language options to be set within chart config
Color and Style Options, Ability to make things Familar and Uniform
Scatter plot improvements
Request for Mexico Cities HighCharts
Running average
Marker on hover on the yAxis
Specify a minimum unit for dateTimeLabelFormats · completed
Dowloading hint (such as a gif animation during downloading) · declined
Datetime Display Milliseconds · completed
Control Charts to support manufacturing quality control: X-bar R + I-MR Chart
Tooltip alignment options (top-left, top, top-right, right, bottomright, etc...)
Drill down charts that can handle more than one series at the drill down level
Variable widths for Box Plots
chord diagram · under review