Specify a minimum unit for dateTimeLabelFormats
If you are charting daily data with a maxZoom of 7 days, the labels show as hourly. I'd like the ability to specify the minimum unit to display as a label for Specify a minimum unit for dateTimeLabelFormats (like days or weeks).
Anonymous commented
I want this feature. ' computed tick interval would be dividable by the minTickInterval '
Blake Acheson commented
For me, Highcharts is bordering on useless because of the lack of this feature. This has been talked about for years (forum)...why is this not implemented?
I also think that this feature would mean that the computed tick interval would be dividable by the minTickInterval option, so that if you set the minTickInterval to one week, only full multiples of weeks would be displayed. And in a linear axis, if you set minTickInterval to 1, Highcharts can't display a tick at for example 2.5 or 7.5
Mat E. commented
The code for this has even been written, see http://ftp.highslide.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6723&p=41190&hilit=datetime+tickinterval#p50453
It would be a general option (not only datetime) for minimal tick interval. According to naming convensions, it would be called minTickInterval.