Create Highmaps mapping library (like amMap) but written in pure JavaScript!

Highmaps was released last week, check out
Javarocks commented
Great plugin. This is exactly what I was looking for.
But can you please show me these two examples without using google spread sheet? I would like to feed the data from my own database eventually. -
David Sichinava commented
I guess there is an issue with the "world map" legend. It displays chunks of data like "3-10"; "10-30" etc. and thus makes a wrong impression that the value "10" is included in both groups. The code does not provide clear idea if the value refers to the only one particular group...
I havent set up an automatic parser for that, but might do so some time in the future. For now, you need to identify the d attribute of SVGs path elements and apply those to Highcharts maps.
Tijmen Ruizendaal commented
@Torstein: How do we parse paths from svg?
It's fixed now. The paths are parsed from SVG files. You can search for blank svg files on Google. You'll find lots of the at Wikimedia among others.
B commented
Thank you for your reply, but the link to your new map seems to have some errors.
The data in the world example is already loaded from Google Spreadsheets. Here's another example that has both clickable points with drilldown AND data from GS:
B commented
Also I was wondering how was those numbers were created to map out the world map? Is there a converter? Would there be one?
B commented
This is certainly great work, so thank you, but is there any possible way to have a click of which shape is clicked on? and to easily load data from google spread sheet makes it even more easily useable.
David Sichinava commented
Great work guys! Highcharts should definitely develop mapping approach. I think that this component should be compatible with web mapping standards established by OSGeo. e.g. loading geojson or other spatial data formats should be allowed.
Bashar Saleh commented
This feature would allow me to properly ploy assets of a company across various geographies. For example, I am looking to introduce a tool which tracks a company's shipping fleet in real time and this feature would save me a great hassle in doing so.
Subbu commented
Thanks for sample someone create usa map in the similar way? if yes please share the same.
Subbu -
Jordan S. commented
Oh and being able to plot geo coordinates and aggregate them up to the state/province, country, or continent levels would be super cool too!
Jordan S. commented
This would be, I think, an extremely valuable feature for both Highcharts and the people using it because I haven't found any really good javascript mapping tools; all the good ones are flash.
matt.g commented
Wow, just tested, and it looks like you already DO have this working in IE 6.
Tijmen commented
Thanks J Veldkamp,
We noticed that with newer versions of highcharts, the worldmap is much more responsive in IE. -
J Veldkamp commented
I realy love tje world map ( This should be a standard fucntion of highcharts.
matt.g commented
Sure, at the moment, this isn't the leading vote getter after stock charts, but I suspect this feature would be next in popularity if it was made available. Radar Charts? Funnel Charts? I'm probably not alone in imagining a country map in javascript working in IE6+ would be much more valuable.
Eddie, this would be just like, with the circles replaced by squares...
Eddie Garcia commented
I would also like to use this as a Heatmap with rectangles varying in size to represent a data cluster with stop light color coding, green, yellow, red. If the rectangles would vary in size automatically based on a third data axis that would be even better.