Implement Shadow Options (Color, Size)
This would allow us to control how the shadows look like, similar to photoshop drop shadow options.

umangberi commented
Shadow does not seem to be working with scatter chart unfortunately.
Curt commented
In case anyone stumbles upon this one, I've implemented support for inner and outer shadows in my own version of highcarts.
I replaced the shadow function near line 2689 in highcharts.src.js with this:
* Add a shadow to the element. Must be done after the element is added to the DOM
* @param {Boolean|Object} shadowOptions Either a custom shadow object or boolean for default shadow
shadow: function (shadowOptions, group, cutOff) {
// The following vars are used for custom shadows
var renderer = this.renderer,
shadowType;// The following vars are used for standard shadows
var shadows = [],
element = this.element,
// compensate for inverted plot area
transform = this.parentInverted ? '(-1,-1)' : '(1,1)';if (shadowOptions && shadowOptions.innerShadow) {
shadowPosition = {
operator: 'arithmetic',
in2: 'SourceAlpha',
k2: -1,
k3: 1,
result: 'shadowDiff'
shadowType = "innerShadow";
} else if (shadowOptions && shadowOptions.outerShadow) {
shadowPosition = {
operator: 'arithmetic',
in2: 'SourceAlpha',
k2: 1,
k3: -1,
result: 'shadowDiff'
shadowType = "outerShadow";
if (shadowPosition && shadowType) {
var shadowAttr = shadowOptions[shadowType];// Check if a shadow object with the same config object is created within this renderer
if (! || !shadows[]) {
if (isArray(shadowAttr)) {
shadowOptions[shadowType] = shadowAttr = {
x: shadowAttr[0] || 0,
y: shadowAttr[1] || 0,
blur: shadowAttr[2] || 0,
color: shadowAttr[3] || 'black',
opacity: shadowAttr[4] || 1
}// Set the id and create the element = PREFIX + idCounter++;
shadows[] = filterObject = renderer.createElement('filter')
'inkscape:label': 'Outer_Shadow',
in: 'SourceAlpha',
stdDeviation: shadowAttr.blur,
result: 'blur'
dy: shadowAttr.y,
dx: shadowAttr.x
'flood-color': shadowAttr.color,
'flood-opacity': shadowAttr.opacity
in2: 'shadowDiff',
operator: 'in'
in2: 'SourceGraphic',
operator: 'over'
.add(filterObject)// Apply the filter to the SVG object
this.css({ filter: 'url(' + renderer.url + '#' + + ')' });
} else if (shadowOptions) {
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
shadow = element.cloneNode(0);
strokeWidth = 7 - 2 * i;
attr(shadow, {
'isShadow': 'true',
'stroke': 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
'stroke-opacity': 0.05 * i,
'stroke-width': strokeWidth,
'transform': 'translate' + transform,
'fill': NONE
if (cutOff) {
attr(shadow, 'height', mathMax(attr(shadow, 'height') - strokeWidth, 0));
shadow.cutHeight = strokeWidth;
}if (group) {
} else {
element.parentNode.insertBefore(shadow, element);
}this.shadows = shadows;
}return this;
}; -
whwnow commented
Strong support !!
Philippe commented
Nice to would be at least a style for
Stroke width
opacity -
Gabe commented
Agreed. In the jqPlot library, default shadows are much nicer than Highcarts (overall I still prefer Highcharts). They make the charts pop a bit more and bright colored lines stand out better on light backgrounds. I'd be happy with a better default shadow in addition to actual shadow options.
Theo commented
An important part of this is shadows for markers - at least for symbols if not for images. Flot has is and it makes Flot charts look terrific.