Display the tooltip no matter where the mouse is on the chart
As of today, Highcharts library requires you to mouse over a specific point to show the tooltip. It should also be possible to display the tooltip no matter where the mouse is on the chart. This solution can be found on different Google charts as well as http://www.campaignmonitor.com.
Added tooltip.shared option in version 2.1
Anonymous commented
How to show the connected tool tips in highmaps.
Currently tooltips only apply to data series.
Roger Wang commented
want to add different tooltips for legend, chart & series. how to?
Levi Page commented
Yeh, I'm having this same problem. HIghcharts doesn't detect the mouse when entering the chart and automatically trigger the closest hover. This is not as intuitive as it could be. If it just triggered automatically the user would know the chart supported hovers. Also it not as convenient as being able to run your mouse across the chart to view the values without having to get near a point first.
Markus commented
is it possible to show the label for the current value like in this canvas chart:
http://www.godmode-trader.de/Index/DAX-Performance-Index/exchangeId/22btw highcharts is really great work! thank you!
See http://jsfiddle.net/cfKzS/13/ for an example of how to implement that behaviour using the API.
Dirk commented
This would be very, very useful, because sometimes it is a little bit confusing see the tooltip, when interpretating a chart. O.K. you can deactivate tooltip, but would be extremly
nice see the values (x,y) outside the chart, for example under the x-Axis in fixed field, varying when moving the mouse over the chart line or bar. S you can first fix a point on a line with the mouse and after look at the filed under the x-axis for obtain the values of the data point.