3D charts
Add new 3D style pie and bar charts, like http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/images/PieChart3DDemo1.png
Finished as of Highcharts 4: http://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-concepts/3d-charts/
Geilerwally commented
Geilerwally commented
great stuff.
thomy commented
this feature would really be great!
thomy commented
Hey Torstein Hønsi,
My company already has a licence, so please forward the development of 3D-pie-charts - that's a really urgent feature. -
Robert Miller commented
would be nice to have this feature
Robert Miller commented
would be great to have this feature!
Wurzelsepp commented
Wurzelsepp commented
herst griass eing.
Bernhard Müller commented
I really, really need this feature in my project. Please realize it soon
Stephan Brugger commented
3D Charts would be great, i also need this feature!
Michael Nitschinger commented
I'd really like to see this feature in one of the next releases!
Karl-Heinz Lutterschmidt commented
Please go for this feature
Dominik Macher commented
we really need this feature very quickly!
A gradient color would actually work like expected in IE, but in SVG enabled browser only the first column has the desired effect: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/ATevk/.
The reason is that VML applies the gradient by the shape's own coordinate system, but SVG applies it to the global coordinate system.
With a little postprocessing, the gradient can be set individually to each column: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/ATevk/2/
Andrew Goodnough commented
We're interested in the gradient shading that makes bars look rounded like pipes. We decided to go with Highcharts without this feature but in this area, it's a step-back from JFreeChart. Great product - hope you can add this feature.
Jamie commented
"...unless it is stealing development resources from other feature requests."
That would be my reason for saying 'please don't' It wouldn't affect my using or not using the product, but there are features that - to me - are far more important.That's all :)
Mark Lancaster commented
Even something as subtle as beveled edges on charts would be awesome
James Greene commented
The lack of this option would likely be the reason my company may not go with Highcharts despite my recommendation.
Gilad commented
Please do
CompoCookies commented
Regardless of folk saying do or don't this boils down to choice. Users that feel 3D charts are terrible and misleading should be able to choose not to use them just as those who require them (for aesthetic or other reasons) should have the choice to implement them.
Adding 3D charts does not harm users that dislike the feature. All adding this feature can do is further broaden the appeal of Highcharts and, therefore, it's sales potential.