3D charts
Add new 3D style pie and bar charts, like http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/images/PieChart3DDemo1.png

Finished as of Highcharts 4: http://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-concepts/3d-charts/
Joe Orost commented
I would like 3D Cylinder charts like Excel does. I can style the front of the bar to make a cylinder-look, and I'd like the top to be round.
@Scott Thanks!
@pflo: Currently we don't have a true Z axis. For the scatter chart though, points are also plotted in the z direction: http://www.highcharts.com/demo/3d-scatter-draggable/
Scott commented
Well done Torstein!
pflo commented
The new 3D charts are nice!
But I see only charts example with 3D effects. It is already possible to have a z-Axis ?
Like this : http://www.datapresentation.com/graphics/Chart_Data_And_Embedded_Chart_4.gif -
Test commented
The 3D charts that you added to version 4.0 are excellent. Great job guys. The rotating scatter chart demo is very cool. Do you have a time frame when you will have 3D line charts? Thank you.
me commented
Will 3D pies have animation on load?
Johnny Guillen commented
Awesome update for 3D Pie Charts.... I noticed a small visual bug when viewing on iPhone iOS7... the light blue slice cut into the the red slice... visually, it appears to be a layering issue.
Jamie commented
It's very easy to find roadmap on the Highcharts site, and see when 3D charts are expected:
http://www.highcharts.com/support/roadmapIn regard to the comment about how Highcharts should do what their competition are doing... if I wanted what Highcharts competition was doing, I'd use the competition. I don't - I want want what Highcharts is doing :)
And I'd prefer their time and effort be spent on actual useful charting functions as opposed to useless features that help perpetuate a culture of poor data understanding.
HOWEVER - they're coming soon anyway, so settle down...
me commented
When are 3D pies coming?
pflo commented
Anonymous commented
I need a 3D bar chart like this one!
Alec Scott commented
Regarding the 3D Pie Chart Demo above. I like the chart, I don't like that i can see through the wireframe.
Sal commented
Agreed. Regardless of whether or not they should, my customers want to use 3D charts when viewing data. I prefer (and pay for) Highcharts because of ease of use, documentation, and performance; but some of my clients like what jChartFX is doing here: http://jchartfx.com/demo/a8c871de-a3bd-e211-84a5-0019b9e6b500.
Please hear the cries of your customers and provide the functionality we're requesting. Thanks. -
Mark K commented
The hate that purists have against the most requested feature is unbelievable.
HighCharts is a commercial software. They have many competitors. All their professional competitors already have 3d charts. Therefore, it would make sense that they offer the same features as the competition.
If you don't want these features & are offended by them, simply don't use the 3d option or use any of the dozen open source solutions out there.
Dan commented
All I'm hearing on here is you don't "need" 3D. That's fine, but this is a product I want to buy to add value to my product, and if customers want 3D because it looks cool, guess what? It turns into a need.
Alec Scott commented
I agree with Mike on most charts. 3D is useful in viewing a funnel but does nothing for you on bar charts, etc. be selective on where you employ 3D chart views.
Mike Cullingham commented
Can't vote for this one. Although 3D surface charts can be useful for viewing the shape of data, 3D bar/column and pie charts add nothing functional to the data visualization and actually detract from the ability to read conclusions compared to their 2D counterparts.
Dick Heth commented
Chad, pie charts are hard for me to read period. Many of our customers like them. They would like them better if they were 3D.
Chad commented
While there may be a desire to have 3D pie charts, they are often visually misrepresent the data being presented and should be avoided in practice.