Gantt chart

Highcharts Gantt were released yesterday October 17th. See and
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Ben commented
Here's a good gantt chart example
Imon Kearns commented
Free charts creation with no coding required, learn how:
Martin Sterman commented
A y-axis parent-child tree view would also be a nice addition to the x-range chart. Also a calendar view.
Hi Jonathan,
This is possible using a category axis in gantt. Here's a simple example:
It is currently not possible to achieve this using a treegrid axis, but we are working on adding support for it.
Jonathan Bier commented
From what I've seen, the Gantt is a "Project Gantt". Can we create a "Resource Gantt". Can I have multiple tasks on the same line of the Gantt?
Sayak Mukhopadhyay commented
I have been able to use the Gantt Chart to show data like a timeline . I was wondering if it would be possible to not show the datetime axis as weeks but like a normal datetime axis. Also, is the tooltip is customizable?
Fabien Sartori commented
If you include Highcharts.js and you will look at the code, you will see that both highcharts.js and highcharts-gantt-src.js returns the object "Highcharts". The only thing that you have to do is to change the name of the object returned from the highcharts-gantt.src.js. I changed the name in "HighchartsGantt" and obviously in the js where you will build your highchart object, you have to call the HighchartsGantt.ganttChart('divContainer', {})...
Sandeep Mogaveer commented
I'm trying to incorporate Gantt Chart on my existing page which already has different Other type of Highcharts.
But when i try to import "highcharts-gantt.src.js". i'm facing this error
May b because I'm already included ''highstock.js" already. how to fix this. pls help
Francisca Fernandes commented
Hi Lars,
Can you guys please consider adding indentation to children tasks (for better visualization)? I have an example fiddle with a task, a subtask and a sub-subtask, and I think you can see what I mean:
Also, is there an option right now to start with the tasks collapsed by default?
Thank you!
Sumana commented
We absolutely require a gantt chart in our project. Do you have any concrete Dates for its release? it would be great if we get it this year.
Anonymous commented
Do you have GWT version of Gantt chart like
Anonymous commented
Does the Gantt Chart have scroll functionality? Thanks, Jack
Anonymous commented
Does the Gantt chart support scroll funcation?
Jakub commented
Is the option to zoom in/out on the x-axis part of the roadmap? That option would be very helpful to us.
Anonymous commented
Colour coding based on the 'indicator for current date' (e.g. if your today line is after the end date you're behind schedule and therefore the line shows as red) would be very useful.
AdminLars Cabrera (Admin, Highcharts JS) commented
Hi, Anders.
Nice to hear about your interest. Please send an email to with "Gantt" included in the subject. -
Anders Holte commented
Hi Lars,
We are currently licensing all Highsoft products, but using Gantt from DHTMLX Gantt. We need to find a better solution, and are waiting impatient for this new module.Is it possible to become part of a beta testing group or for this one?
choquesito commented
hola estoy intentando hacer diagrama de gantt, recuperar los datos desde mysql sera posible????