Add Bullet Graphs to the selection list
This is particularly useful for dashboard designs. Here is the wiki page for it. It is essential for visual representation of target based data comparisons in a dashboard setting or for comparing quantitative data to a target in any web environment really.

The bullet type chart is available since Highcharts version 6.0.0.
More info:
Jamie commented
For anyone still looking for ways to set up bullet graphs, I have examples using a couple of different approaches here:
Includes multiple bullets charts in one plot, as individual charts, and as a simplified horizontal gauge version.
Mike Cullingham commented
Very nice
Jamie commented
Thanks, works great.
It seems that it needs to be corrected for the radius:
Jamie commented
Torstein - the method posted below seems to have an issue (and it may have existed in the previous version as well), where the line moves along the y axis in response to the radius, thereby plotting at a completely inaccurate y axis point.
Is there an easy fix for this problem...?
Any tips would be appreciated!thanks
Jamie commented
Thanks Torstein. I had been using a different work around that was slightly more complicated.
Jamie's method updated to Highcharts 2.3:
Jamie commented
My current method of implementation for Bullet Graphs:'s not too bad for setting up multiples.
Samuel Clemens commented
That makes it cumbersome to put multiple bullet charts on one page.
Though bullet graphs are not yet supported out of the box, they can be created with the current API using a combination of a bar and a scatter plot. See an example at