Threshold option for colors
Threshold option to set apply different colors , ideally to show negative values or values below target.

Completed as of Highcharts 3.0
Anonymous commented
+1 again
Anonymous commented
is there any progress on the multiple thresholds/colour ranges? Or does anyone have an example which simulates them? That would be awesome! Thanks!
Lusy -
Manish's Astral Manifestation commented
So can anyone post an example for this multiple threshold.. which shows different color for lines above the max threshold and lines below the min threshold
Юрій Гайовий commented
+1 multiple threshold
Anonymous commented
+1 multiple thresholds/color ranges
Gil commented
+1000 for multiple thresholds/color ranges please
Ilya commented
+1 for multiple thresholds/colour ranges please
@JD Smith: This is currently not possible, but we are considering multiple color thresholds, or perhaps color ranges would be a better term.
JD Smith commented
Is there a way to use this to apply different colors to different sections of bars, without changing the threshold?
I'm looking to take a standard bar or column chart and make it so that between zero and 50, the bars are red, and between 50 and 100 the bars are green, but the threshold remains at zero so that the bars remain in the positive direction from zero up.
So a value of 30 would mean the bar extends from zero to 30 like normal, and is all red, but a value of 70 would mean the bar extends red from zero to 50 and then turns green from 50 to 70, with zero still the threshold point.
I tried this in this fiddle:
What happens when I apply a positive threshold value is, instead of the colors just changing above and below the threshold, the bars move out in a negative direction from the threshold point instead of zero.
We have thought about it - I suppose the existing logic for one threshold could be relatively easily updated to multiple thresholds.
Oleg commented
Do you guys plan to add more than one threshold? That would be awesome! One is not always enough.
Евгений Ивлев commented
Our customers really need feature like this: That is library should paint area under the curve from x1 to x2 which are calculated by library rely on single Y-threshold. Take into account this please. These features are very desired!
@Mark Romero: Thanks for your update.
@M: See -
M commented
When is Highcharts 3.0 planned?
Mark Romero commented
The above code will work only if the yAxis takes up the whole height of the chart (no height is specified.) Instead of this.plotHeight it should be series.yAxis.len, so that the threshold y value is relative to the axis an not the plot as a whole. See
The same approach goes for areas. I've updated the demo with an area. Again, this doesn't work in VML browsers.
Anonymous commented
Will this work for area chart? Do you have similar hack for area chart. This is an important feature for one of our major release
Anonymous commented
has anyone made a column chart version using thresholding yet? It would be very helpful! thanks!
Joe Kuan commented
Couple questions:
1) Will this support multiple threshold values?
2) When using threshold against time series data, a threshold value may not be static across the whole time range. Does it support this scenario?
Charles commented
You guys so rock! Thanks for listening to the uservoice!
Just curious, will the planned feature be applicable to bars/columns as well?