Hyperbolic Tree Maps and Tree maps
Treemaps is currently under development, but here is a small taste of what you can expect in the future.
At the moment there is four algorithms implemented to get users up and running quickly. These are the SliceAndDice, Stripes, Squarified, and Strip algorithm. By extending the series object, the users can also add their own algorithms for layouting the data.
A levels object is introduced to let the users set wanted options to a specific level, this is displayed in some of the demos. The levels object is great for using a mix of several algorithms in the same chart.
- http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/sqxqq1ry/
- http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/pa1eoqps/
- http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/tm720ufm/
I don't know if that should encourage us or not...
Mike commented
I will have your babies if you add treemaps...and I'm a man!
Anonymous commented
+1 for this
kash commented
+1 for treemaps
Cameron commented
+1 !!! do it...
Conrad commented
+1 for treemaps
Anonymous commented
+1 for treemaps
Bernard Sanders commented
+1 for treemaps
Jim commented
+1 For Treemaps.
Eric Fusciardi commented
Hyperbolic seems very specialized and probably should be a seperate suggestion... but basic treemap support would be beyond awesome.
Anonymous commented
ME too!
Babak Rasolzadeh commented
+1 treemaps
Anonymous commented
+1 for treemaps
Jonas Oppedal commented
+1 for treemaps
Mustafa Hossaini commented
hell yes!!!!
Shu commented
yes please!
Eelco Hillenius commented
+1 for tree maps
Ivan Li commented
Treemaps please...And I'm trying to draw it by myself.
Mike Cullingham commented
Two separate ideas, really, but since this is the highest rated Treemap issue I'll vote for it.
Phil Li commented
Looking forward to the tree map implementation in Highcharts!