Make charts resizable
When a layout is fluid then having the charts resize automatically would appropriate (as OpenFlashChart does).
Version 2.1 released
Anonymous commented
@Sam Blows - your solution is great but will not work on IE9. The chart catches the mouse events and prevents the click on the jQueryUI resize handlers to start a drag. You could solve this by setting the background color of the handlers to some color (not transparent) and setting the opacity to 0.
Sam Blowes commented
Found this today, might be useful for those reading this.
Greatmedia commented
egret230: not bad. I am waiting for a new release of highcharts if that takes to long i might go with your fix until the next release.
egret230 commented
I'm kind of already doing this using JQUERY UI: creating the chart, I first destroy() the resizable that I had previously added.
Then, after creating the chart, I add it back in:
minWidth: 500,
minHeight: 350,
containment: '#chart_container',
stop: function(event, ui) { BuildChart(); }
});When someone resizes the chart, I call the BuildChart() function to re-draw the chart in the now resized dive.
It works pretty good!
Greatmedia commented