Support timezone as a geographical concept (e.g. "America/New_York") not a fixed offset (e.g. 300 minutes)
This is a fallout of the other request "Set timezone", which has been completed in Apr 2014.
However, in that request, timezone was supported as a fixed offset (e.g. 300 minutes), but in human society, timezone is a geographical concept (e.g. "America/New_York") and many of them have two offsets -- due to the use of Daylight-saving time.
IANA maintains a database of timezone (TZ) that is based on a geographical ID (e.g. "America/New_York")
GWT already has some limited support of the IANA TZ databases. The data is contained in a file called
We implemented a new option, global.getTimezoneOffset. It is a callback function that takes a timestamp as argument and returns the timezoneOffset in minutes for that particular time. It serves as a hook for libraries like moment-timezone.js.
Demo at
Any comments, corrections etc. are welcome!
Anonymous commented
Thankyou, this is a life saver.
It will be available from version 2.1, scheduled for release within some weeks.
Mark commented
Any idea when this will be available in highstock?
Thanks! The hook itself will be included in the core, so you just need to specify the getTimezoneOffset callback like I did in the sample in order to utilize moment-timezone.js or whatever library provides the same capabilities.
Anonymous commented
This looks perfect, will it be released as a Highcharts module, or included in Higharts core?
Anonymous commented
There doesn't appear to be any shortage of JS libraries for managing time zones. This one looks quite promising and mature: