Absolute Size Value of Bubble Charts
We want to adjust the Bubble-Size of the Bubble Charts manually as we have 6 different bubble charts for 6 different countries which should be comparable, but not within one chart. We want to display 6 different charts but at the moment the bubble size of the biggest values of each chart is set to a maximum size, without regards to the absolute value. So the biggest bubble from chart 1 e.g with value 20 is double the size of the biggest bubble in chart 1 with value 10 if we do not arrange the maximum size for each chart individually.
BUT: As these options are relative and not absolut, i think there should be a necessary option, to just set the radius of e.g. 100% or 1000 units, so that the bubble size doesn't depend on the very special data.
E.g if numbers change over time, this would mean earlier values would be different in size than new values. This doesn't make sense.
We arranged to use an extra Javascript now, which checks the highest value in all used .csv documents and sets the radius for each chart individually, so they will be comparable… not nice, but it works and even better if it would be an option within highcharts!
That’s a good idea, and I think a much needed feature. I implemented it now as two new options on the bubble series, zMin and zMax. See http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/MGqEp/. Please report back if this solves the problem for your case.
Hi David,
I think you understood this correctly. Currently, Highcharts will scale all the bubbles linearly so that zMin corresponds to minSize and zMax corresponds to maxSize.
David commented
Hi Torstein,
the zMin and zMax should do exactly what I want according to the tooltip explanation in the demo editor:
"The maximum possible z value for the point's radius calculation. If the point's Z value is bigger than zMax, the slice will be drawn according to the zMax value".What I want to achieve is to be able to set a sort of threshold for bubble sizes. So if a point has a particular value above the threshold, it will have the maxSize. Same goes for values below another threshold for the minSize.
However, when using the zMin and zMax, the bubbles keep scaling up in size even when their values are above the zMax value, and get smaller even when they are below the zMin value.
Am I missing something?
I'm not sure I understood that... Can you show me with a sketch?
Anonymous commented
Hi Torstein
i wanna want to change the bubble size name replaced number is this possible
The zMin and zMax implementation is completely analogous to the current yAxis.min and yAxis.max options. If we set an yAxis.min of 0 and yAxis.max to 100, we can plot a chart with values ranging from 0 to 20, but the axis will still go to 100. This is what happens to the zMin and zMax too. When zMax is 100, any point with a value of 100 will be drawn with the maxSize. Any point with a smaller value will be drawn with a smaller pixel size.
Say your minSize is 10 and your maxSize is 110. You set zMin to 0 and zMax to 10. A point with the value of 5 will then get a size of 60.
Percentages have nothing to do with it logically, I just picked values at 0-100 for the sake of the demos.
Anonymous commented
Hi Honsi,
thanks a lot for the implementation. That means, zmax describes the maximum radius for the maximum value right? I appreciate the function, but would think it would be more intuitive, if the option was like: zMax = Value for 100 (if al other values are percent e.g.)
At the moment i think you have manually to calculate the zMax size > http://jsfiddle.net/MGqEp/4/That's a little bit complicated and would be better if you could choose a global value one would like to set as the maximum possible points, percent e.g. and higcharts calculates the max value for each chart individually in regards to the maximum value. Do you understand what i try to describe? ;D