Support more intuitive legend customization - (maxHeight/navigation issue)
Namely, I have an issue with the misleading maxHeight property. If you are digging deep enough in the docs to customize the legend to use maxHeight, this property's value should be taken as gospel.
Either that or allow for the navigation (pagination) of the legend to be disabled without having to have useHTML enabled.

Also, check out the Adapt-chart-height-to-legend plugin: It avoids the problem with different sizes in data length, printed size etc.
How would you expect this to work?
If we simply disable the paging logic, the legend simply overflows the chart area, which is just as bad (or worse) as showing paging:
If we provide enough space for the chart, it is okay, but then again we don't need to change anything:
Rui Xie commented
Rui Xie commented · Just Now · Delete
As Frank Reno mentioned : "It would be great if we can have a way to disable this completely. I imagine if its NULL, we should never see the pagination controls. but currently, the controls will still kick in."I don't know how it worked before, but without the ability to display all the legend items at the same time, it defeats the purpose of legend to some extent. For example, you can't get a proper export with the navigation on.