Grouping legends in a stacked Column chart?
It would be better if there is a way to group legend into different group based on their stack order in the chart

Are you aware of the legendIndex option?
Agila commented
For Eg : If there are 3 stacked bar charts for each element showing Bar 1 (A,B,C,D)(stacked) Bar 2 (E,F,G,H)(stacked) Bar 3 (I)(normal bar)
I want to show a tooptip for each bar eg showing (A,B,C,D) on mouse over of Bar1 and showing (E,F,G,H) on mouse over Bar 2 and showing (I) on mouse over Bar 3 with their series name.
And also group them as three legends as A,B,C,D named under Group - 1
E,F,G,H grouped as Group -2 and I as Group - 3 .