I would like to request to provide high maps with street view its one of most important feature in maps where customers are in need
We are using highcharts for one of our project licensed version but we need Street view High Maps. Could you please help us with street view maps.

AdminKacper Madej (Admin, Highcharts JS) commented
You could create a custom map using the info in our docs:
- https://www.highcharts.com/docs/maps/create-custom-maps-for-highmaps- https://www.highcharts.com/docs/maps/custom-geojson-maps
- https://www.highcharts.com/docs/maps/adding-points-and-lines
(the last one is for e.g. to add lines for roads and streets)
Please describe how would you imagine the best scenario for you for adding a street-level map into a Highmaps map and what is your use case.
(Edited by admin)