Allow and facilitate VBA to download Wellntel data or any other data so that Excel can show **extended periods** of data
Over long periods of well monitoring data (years in this case), one must be able to see the affect of Large Commercial Water Producers on the “water table”. The Wellntel data covers around 90 to 100 days and stops with no past history available.
Both Excel and Java Script are extremely powerful tools to show this data. It’s my belief that Excel would be important and helpful for Highcharts to recognize and make available to those users of Excel - the simple ability to download data files using VBA Code.
As a VBA example -
Set currentWindow = objIE.document.parentWindow
currentWindow.execScript code:="Download XLS file for my Well (), etc"
This data file download would be made available for a specific well after login of the owner of that Well.
Thanks for writing! I’m afraid Highcharts has no concept of wells or water producers – it’s a general purpose charting library. Maybe you are using a third party product specifically targeting your industry?