Many-to-many relations/interactions of charts
This suggestion is an outcome of my longtime involvement with the modelling of many-to-many communications, initially at the RAND Corporation and subsequently at the University of Oxford with some intriguing results in applications such as predicting voter behaviour (see this article
Recently, I found myself involved in the objective analysis for the determination of the best e-banking UI; as it is apparent that soon enough the best bank will be the one with the best UX/UI design.
Here we used highcharts to visualise our findings. Corellating for example the Use Case scores vs. the Functionalities available using a variety of charts (doughnut, barcharts, sunburst, area maps etc). As we strived to make our own UI better, we found imperative to sychronise/drill in, to multiple charts in one go. At times, to drill in to charts that had different datasets.
This effort could have been impossible if it wasn't for the superb help we received from highchart's support guys. However, we soon realised that what the support guys did for us, was over and above, what the product delivers. It was mere, unsupported, customisations made possible due to the great quality of the charts engine.
It will be great if a new version of highcharts also comes with an API that will allow us to easily co-oridinate the synchronisation of different charts with different datasets, that share the same initial options, or even mere labels with ease.
As the charts will interact with one another it is bound to provide us with even better ideas on the optimisation of the visualisation of our data. This is bound to have great, impossible to quantify impact; hopefully similar to the impact that mass many-to-many interaction between people is having in the past two decades.

Thanks for your suggestion! This is partly covered by the crossfilter functionality as previously requested:
Dimitris I. Vayenas commented
Thank you Torstein.
Indeed we seem to have achieved what we were aiming for, but not without the support from your great team. But it would have been impossible without your support and knowledge of the inner workings/under the hood capabilities. Also we haven't yet tested it for cross type chart compatibilities - I think it may work well between doughnut and bar charts but now with Treemaps etc.
More comprehensive documentation of the drill in-out examples would have been great.
For starters I hope that the fiddles that your team prepared for us, should be made public.
Thanking you once more,
Keep well,