Highchart-export-server with zip options
It is hard to keep on increase the maxFieldsSize whenever the highchart throws Error Code 413 - Request Entity Too Large HighCharts.
If highchart export had an option to zip file and then download it might be great option.

the file size limitation is on uploads (i.e. the request payload), not image downloads.
The reason for the limit is that there's a direct correlation between the size of the request and the processing time. In other words, large request payloads are very likely to time out before completion, so it makes sense to drop them immediately in the vast majority of cases.
That said, the default size was changed to 50mb from 2mb in the last version. They will however time out if they do not complete within the max processing time (which is set to 3500ms by default, and can be overridden if using the server as a module).
Also note that if you're hosting your export server in a cloud environment, you also need to make sure that your load balancer is configured to accept larger request payloads.